UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY 2005 European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin America ( ) *** Alberto M. Sereno Co-ordinator of Alan Office
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES To reinforce the European Union – Latin America co-operation in the area of Higher Education; To increase the access of Latin Americans to the EU Higher Education system; To contribute to better employability opportunities to Latin American postgraduates and professionals; To establish a network of former LA grantees in the EU, including those from ALFA and AL AN Programmes.
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY PROGRAMME TARGET GROUP All Latin America graduates living in the region: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela. Who wish to study in the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY MAJOR EXPECTED OUTCOME To award ± 4000 scholarships in the European Union for master/doctorate studies and specialised training. 1st phase: , , nd phase: , (to be decided by EC next July)
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY TYPES OF SCHOLARSHIPS Master and Doctorate aimed at the best graduate students from LA to study at an eligible Higher Education Institution in the EU AGE LIMIT: 45 years Higher level Specialised Training aimed at experienced higher level professionals from LA, wishing to do a training or upgrading at an eligible Higher Education Institution or accredited Higher level Training Centre in the EU AGE LIMIT: min.30 e max.50 years minimum of 7 years of professional experience
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GRANTS Master (6 to 24 months) Doctorates (6 to 36 months) max €/month Higher level training (6 to 18 months) max €/month Maximum EU contribution: 75% of education/training total cost
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY RESULTS OF THE FIRST THREE CALLS ~
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY SELECTED APPLICATIONS – 1 st & 2 nd call
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY SELECTED APPLICATIONS – 1 st & 2 nd call
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY SELECTED APPLICATIONS – 1 st & 2 nd call Specialisation 4%
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY SELECTED APPLICATIONS – 1 st & 2 nd call
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY SELECTED APPLICATIONS – 1 st & 2 nd call
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY SELECTED APPLICATIONS – 1 st & 2 nd call SG universities involved: 17 Number of scholarships: 88 (8.5%)
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY CONTACTS Al an Office Asociación Grupo Santander Universidade do Porto Rua de Ceuta 118, 5º s/ PORTO Portugal FAX:
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE Al an Office 1.Prepare documentation and open new Calls for Applications; 2.Receive applications, check eligibility and promote technical evaluation by experts; 3.Prepare a ranked list of applications and submit to the EC a proposal of applications to be selected; 4.Help the selected grantees to travel to the EU; 5.Follow-up the work and pay the scholarships; 6.Promote Al an in LA and EU and coordinate the network of Focal Points in LA.
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY RESOURCES AVAILABLE 13 staff members, including 9 scholarship managers, overlooking each one grantees; the team will be increased shortly to 18 to cope with new grantees from the 3rd Call; office space of about 300 m 2 provided by the University of Porto.
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY st AL AN Conference – Valencia 2005 Universidad Politecnica de Valencia 13 and 14 MAY scholars of the 650 present in the EU have registered to attend
UE Programme Al an: High level scholarships for LA Malta, MAY 2005 Many thanks for your attention