The Explorers of the New World
Amerigo Vespucci Italian explorer sailed for both Spain and Portugal Explored the West Coast of South America Recognized this was a new continent and published a book with his maps America is named for him
Vasco Nunez de Balboa Attempts to cross America via the isthmus of Panama Isthmus a narrow straight of land Land expidition of 45 miles across Panama One of the most dangerous exploration of the period 1 st European to see the Pacific Ocean
Trans World Voyages
Ferdinand Magellan 1519 – Sails for Spain Magellan is Portuguese Mission was to find a route to Asia using the water system discovered by Balboa Magellan sails around S. America through the Straits of Magellan (Roughest seas in the world) Magellan names the Pacific b/c it was peaceful Dies in the ________ His crew returns to Spain in 1522 –Only 18 were left –1 st ship to travel around the world
Francis Drake British explorer and privateer in the 16 th century Sent to explore for the Northwest Passge, claim new land for Britain, and raid Spanish cities on South America’s west coast –Hero to the British, despised by Spanish Called him “El Dragon” Drake was the 1 st person to explore the west coast of the Americas Golden Hind was his ship 1 st captain to sail around the world and survive
America’s (US) Drake Site On the coast of California Called “Drake’s Beach” Drake spent 5 weeks there repairing his ship He landed there because it reminded him of home –Cliffs of Dover
Northwest Passage Believed to be sea route to Asia farther North through the Western Hemisphere –Present day Canada Sought by the French 2 Voyages –Jacques Cartier –Giovanni de Verrazano Eventually found by Roald Amundsen (1904) –Only open 6 months a year
Di Verrazano and Cartier Sails for the British Explores the Atlantic Coast of U.S. (New York to N. Carolina) Claims land for Britain Jacques Cartier – sails through the St. Lawrence River and claims Canada for France
John Cabot Born in Italy (Giovanni Cabatto) 1497 Moves to England and sails for the British (changes his name) Sails to New Foundland and claims it for Britain –All the coastal islands of Canada will be British Disappears on his second voyage