Meanings of Fractions Lesson 9-1
9-1 Vocabulary Words
Purpose You have learned about fractions in previous grades. Today you will learn how to compare part of an amount to the whole amount.
Connect Where in your life is it necessary to divide a whole something into equal parts? Birthday cake, sharing a piece of paper or candy, pizza
Problem Lisa needs to divide a large rectangular pizza into 4 same-size pieces. How many ways can you find for how she might do this? Remember- the pieces do not have to be the same shape, just the same size!!!
Pizza anyone?
Academic Vocabulary A fraction describes one or more parts of a whole that is divided into equal parts.
Denominator The 4 is the denominator. The denominator describes the total number of equal parts or the total number of objects.
Numerator The 2 is the numerator. The numerator describes the number of equal parts or objects that are being described.
Mario’s Bread This circle represents Mario’s bread and the shaded parts represent the parts he gives away.
How many parts does the circle have? How many parts are shaded? 4 2 out of 4 You can write “2 out of 4” as a fraction.
You read the fraction from top to bottom… two out of 4 You read the fraction from top to bottom… two out of 4. When you see the line, it stands for “out of” or “divided by.”
How much of the bread did Mario give away? How do you know? The fraction describes the 4 equal pieces and the 2 pieces given away
Find the fraction that shows the shaded parts of each of these fractions.
Extend Work with your group and model five sixths using classroom objects. You have 5 minutes, then you will share your work.
Credits Fraction Clip Art: Screen shots from slides 2 and 6 from EnVision Math Online.