The pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton Guidance in schools – a future? Terry Ashton Adviser (Guidance and.


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Presentation transcript:

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton Guidance in schools – a future? Terry Ashton Adviser (Guidance and Careers) Aberdeen City Learning & Leisure

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton what you already know Orange Paper 1968 progress reports etc by HMI and others More Than Feelings of Concern 1986 Personal & Social Development 5-14 The Heart of the Matter 1995

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton what you already know Making the Difference: Guidance in the Secondary School, GTC 2000 At the Heart of Education: Guidance in the Primary School, GTC 2001 Better Behaviour Better Learning, Scottish Executive 2001

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton Better Behaviour Better Learning demands on guidance staff in supporting particular difficulties has increased greater number requiring intensive support detrimental effect on wider responsibilities of GT review role and purpose of Guidance integrate different kinds of support? level of guidance provision in primary schools? consideration of the training of guidance staff

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton McCrone and beyond A Teaching Profession for the 21 st Century (McCrone) The National Review of Guidance

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton National Review of Guidance Happy, Safe and Achieving Their Potential: A standard of support for children and young people in Scottish schools Report of the National Review of Guidance, to be launched in Edinburgh 5.30pm on 2 February 2005

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton what the review set out to do common principles for the development of personal support a standard of support for pupils and parents clarify the respective roles of school staff and local authorities in developing and delivering effective personal support

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton basis for the review findings recognised the strengths of Scottish schools in supporting pupils recognised the progress that has been made in Guidance and pupil support based its findings on needs of all <>needs of those who face challenges teachers make a difference

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton a standard a standard for Guidance and personal support based on a vision for caring school communities (same idea as the standard for headship?)

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton the caring school community vision for children and young people parents and carers school partnerships community partnerships

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton the caring school community Children and Young People build positive relationships by spending time with teachers and school staff trust that they can have confidential access to a member of staff when they need it be able to rely on prompt and appropriate information and support to get the help they need when they need it effectively

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton the caring school community Parents and Carers school and parents are partners working in childrens and young peoples best interests school reaches out to create partnerships with all parents

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton the caring school community School Partnerships inclusive school which provides comprehensive, integrated approaches harnesses multi-agency support staff are approachable staff monitor action to meet childrens and young peoples needs.

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton the caring school community Community Partnerships Partners in the community provide complementary activities and services these enable all young people to develop their personalities, skills and talents as they grow up, through other learning, social and leisure opportunities

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton standards for Guidance 10 standards under three headings learning for life review of individual progress access to support

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton learning for life opportunities for developing knowledge, skills and attitudes young people need to seek information and support access to information to help young people make informed decisions and choices opportunities for citizenship and participation, through involvement in communities (eg school, neighbourhoods, democratic society)

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton review of individual progress regular review of progress in learning, and personal and social development help with transitions between stages in education and between different providers of education and other opportunities help with planning for the future

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton access to support provides access to staff by young people and parents who want support coordinates support between agencies and schools, wherever learning takes place respects confidentiality ensures time and space to seek help

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton role of staff role of staff in developing personal support in schools and achieving the standard teachers school leaders local authorities

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton the role of teachers building positive relationships help young people to take responsibility for their own learning and progress and for planning their own next steps open and accessible source of information and support identify needs and concerns regarding childrens and young peoples welfare and personal development, as well as their academic progress

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton the role of teachers understand the role of specialist staff in schools communicate effectively with parents and other professionals identify young peoples needs

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton role of specialist staff key member of staff for the young person, when a need has been identified support and motivate teaching staff to foster relationships with children support children, young people and their families to resolve complex problems personal and social education programme (coherent, high quality, progression)

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton role of specialist staff coordinate and integrate services (including in-school integration of pupil support, learning support and behaviour support, other in-school agency provision, services outwith school) monitor support to children and track progress roles relate to all young people coordinated Support Plans will be required from autumn 2005 for some young people with additional support needs

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton role of senior managers & headteachers c ommunicate and model respect and a sense of equality create a climate of cooperation and collaboration amongst staff plan, evaluate and integrate with Integrated Community Schools and Health Promoting Schools framework of appropriate stages of intervention, in conjunction with multi-agency and authority-level structures

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton role of senior managers & headteachers actively promote the development of partnerships ensure that staff development leads to enhanced support to children and young people aim for excellence in supporting pupils

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton role of local authorities ensure staff understand the allocation of support to schools and how schools can access central specialist staff draw together strands of integration, through Integrated Community Schools and integrated childrens services planning Community Planning and its potential to strengthen partnership working engage with key agencies involved in identifying and responding to the needs of young people who are vulnerable or in trouble

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton role of local authorities Provide opportunities for CPD provide development opportunities for a range of staff, including support staff ensure coherence with other training programmes within a policy framework and informed by an authority vision expose staff to a range of practices and practitioners through approaches such as mentoring, work shadowing and multi-agency training and networking

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton core features of personal support at school level communicating values and ethos positive school ethos involving young people in peer support whole-school approaches for prevention effective communication among staff involvement of parents

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton core features of personal support meeting the standard involving young people in planning to achieve and in reviewing their progress progression of learning in PSE systematic identification of needs systems for – early intervention – referral – monitoring that actions and outcomes are achieved – ensuring ownership and responsibility for young people referred to external provision remains with the school

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton core features of personal support at school and authority level communicating values and ethos clear roles and expectations of staff effective relationships with partners/ community supporting innovation policy framework and strategic direction

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton core features of personal support building schools capacity to meet the standard support for staff: training, CPD, mentoring, multi- disciplinary opportunities support for development of learning resources for PSE with coherence and progression integrated planning, implementation and evaluation of childrens services out of school opportunities and recognition of young peoples achievement quality assurance and review in school/authority

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton the way forward implementation in the context of Integrated Community Schools Scottish Executive will continue reporting on performance in the National Priorities in Education structures for personal support will be developed to suit local needs and circumstances in authorities essential that there are opportunities for sharing good practice and exploring different models at national level to support local development

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton the way forward Scottish Executive will establish a development team in partnership with education authorities the development team will liaise with training and CPD providers and Higher Education Institutions Scottish Executive will set up a pilot in a local authority for implementation and communication of the review across Scotland HMIe will continue to support the development of self evaluation and quality assurance

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton download this presentation guidance/downloads

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton Thanks for listening!

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton

the pastreview caring school standardfuture core features rolesdownload ©Terry Ashton