A period from the 15th century (1400s) to the 17th century (1600s). Age of Exploration
Europeans explored the world by ocean. turned its attention away from trade in the Mediterranean Sea. focused on trade with the Americas and trade via the Atlantic Ocean. Age of Exploration
Searching for a sea route to Asia. looking for new trading partners and particular goods o valuable spices Age of Exploration
Opened Europeans to 2 continents that were previously unknown to them First to establish a permanent relationship between Europe and the Americas Launched the Columbian Exchange - the trading of goods between the two continents. Crops grown in the Americas (corn, tomatoes, potatoes) were unknown in Europe. Columbus
First to circumnavigate the globe His voyage was the most dangerous of all He did not survive the trip Magellan
Made long-distance sailing possible. 1.The astrolabe Borrowed from the Arabs. Perfected by Europeans for navigation Could now determine latitude New Technology
Made long-distance sailing possible. 2. The magnetic compass Borrowed from China Perfected for practical sea use by Europeans New Technology
Made long-distance sailing possible. 3. The caravel Developed by Portugal Made popular by Prince Henry the Navigator Small, fast, maneuverable Sat high in the water Triangular sails Improved rudder design New Technology
In the Middle Ages Europeans traded along the Silk Road Fall of Mongol Empire in 1348 made it unsafe to travel Ottomans captured Constantinople in 1453 and closed the Silk Road to Europeans The Black Death Causes