Bellwork 1. Get an Academic Vocabulary handout. 2. Put your phone in your backpack. 3. Log into the computer. (if you are having trouble, raise your hand) 4. Do not open any programs. 5. Wait quietly for instructions. 6. Thank you VERY much!
Academic Vocabulary Words 1. Look at your list of 15 academic vocabulary words. 2. You will look up each word from 3. The number after each word is the definition to use. I will show you an example. 4. Write the definition on your handout. 5. Open a presentation in PowerPoint. 6. Save as: Your Name R. Ward Your Period 7. Each vocab word should have a separate slide. 8. Each slide should include: vocab word, part of speech, definition, & a sentence using the vocab word.
This is how you look up the definition… Analyze
Analyze verb; to separate into parts or elements; determine the elements or essential features My English teacher is always asking us to analyze the story we just read.