supported by welcome back to the National Network Personal Support in Schools 29 November 2007 Personal Support in Schools: Implementation of Happy Safe and Achieving Their Potential
supported by upgrading to first class Terry Ashton Adviser (Guidance and Careers) Aberdeen City Council Personal Support in Schools: Implementation of Happy Safe and Achieving Their Potential
supported by what Ill speak about relationship of HSAP with Curriculum for Excellence and Journey to Excellence what we can all do now in our own authorities Personal Support in Schools: Implementation of Happy Safe and Achieving Their Potential
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process PERSONAL SUPPORT
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process PERSONAL SUPPORT
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process PERSONAL SUPPORT
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process PERSONAL SUPPORT
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process PERSONAL SUPPORT
supported by the 10 standards review of individual progress access to support learning for life
supported by review of individual progress access to support learning for life
supported by learning for life
supported by learning for life 1.PSE 2.information for decision-making 3.participation & citizenship
supported by review of individual progress access to support learning for life
supported by review of individual progress 4.regular review of progress 5.transitions 6.planning for the future
supported by review of individual progress access to support learning for life
supported by access to support role of all staff 8.coordination of partnership working 9.confidentiality 10.time & space
supported by the 10 standards review of individual progress access to support learning for life
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence
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1 PSE 3 citizenship & participation 4 reviewing progress 5/6 transitions & future planning 7/8 provision of support 9 confidentiality 10 time & space 2 decision-making
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence courses & programmes build emotional, social and personal issues into all curricular areas integrated courses
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence courses & programmes personal support role of all relationships and teaching approach noticing knowing how to seek further help If we taught children to speak like we teach them subjects, what would happen?
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence courses & programmes PERSONAL SUPPORT personal support role of all specialist personal support
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence courses & programmes PERSONAL SUPPORT personal support role of all specialist personal support barriers to learning poor experiences of school relationship difficulties truancy bullying peer pressure
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence courses & programmes PERSONAL SUPPORT personal support role of all specialist personal support barriers to learning missing a significant amount of school cant catch up so give up cant figure out whats going on parenting problems moved home often
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence courses & programmes PERSONAL SUPPORT personal support role of all specialist personal support barriers to learning difficult personal circumstances family circumstances looked after parenting problems moved home often
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence courses & programmes PERSONAL SUPPORT personal support role of all specialist personal support barriers to learning particular learning needs & difficulties not recognised not dealt with
supported by outcomes: 4 capacities learning process staff 10 dimensions of excellence courses & programmes PERSONAL SUPPORT personal support role of all specialist personal support
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why personal support? to help youngsters get the most out of the school curriculum to help youngsters to learn how to support themselves (personal development)
supported by learning how to learn the main business of school
supported by make sure people know theyre doing a good job so now what? how can you move things forward?
supported by lots of good practice around – so tell us so we can share it encourage others to use it so now what? how can you move things forward?
supported by speak to everyone about personal support get personal support into teaching and learning policies in schools initiate discussion of personal support in any CfE forum so now what? how can you move things forward?
supported by get personal support regularly onto agendas of departmental & other meetings invite teachers to work with you tell everyone about our website so now what? how can you move things forward?
supported by keep mentioning the centrality of personal support to CfE demonstrate the connections between personal support, CfE, JtE, enterprise, citizenship etc so now what? how can you move things forward?
supported by speak at authority meetings and CPD about personal support remember …. you are the champion in your authority so now what? how can you move things forward?
supported by download presentation
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supported by thank you for listening
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