Service Leadership Programs
Enriching young lives… A club that gives kids ages 6-12 with their first a chance to help others
Promotes character development, self-esteem and perseverance Enriching young students…
Recognizes students who raise or maintain their grades Enriching young students…
Motivating tweens… A service club for leaders in middle school and junior high, ages 12-15
The world’s largest high school service organization Empowering teens…
A weekend leadership experience program for teens Empowering teens…
Equipping adults for leadership… The premiere university service organization in the world
A community service club for adults living with disabilities Living with purpose…
Ready to build your club? Here’s what you need to know
Alternative assets Looking for a service option that’s not a club? Key Leader Bring Up Grades Terrific Kids Meaningful ways to connect with kids.
Service Leadership Programs The chartering process. It’s easy as 1, 2, 3.
Step 1: Find A place to meet A supporting sponsor Hands-on advisors Resources A core group work with the club
A site Depending on the type of club you’re starting: School Community center Other facility
A Kiwanis sponsor Offers hands-on guidance Provides financial support Develops a collaborative effort to serve your community
Advisors You’ll need an advisor from your site and your local Kiwanis Club Faculty advisor Kiwanis advisor Different expertise
Resources Gather the tools you’ll need to build, grow and lead your club. The basics – structure and club operations PR tools Advisor tips
Core members Core group of members helps: Assess the club’s potential Create a potential member list Promote the club in the community and school Recruit new members
Step 2: Lead Once you’ve laid the groundwork for your club, it’s time to get organized. Prepare paperwork Report your club Invite new members Train club leaders and members Build enthusiasm
Organize Put the pieces together. Meet new members Adopt club bylaws Elect officers and directors Plan club meetings Brainstorm service ideas
Charter The chartering process: Gather signatures Create a roster Complete forms Plan a charter presentation ceremony
Train Running a club involves planning, budgeting and setting goals. Train individual officers Provide ideas and tools for club organization
Step 3: Serve Discover club members’ passions Talk about what your community needs How can your club help? Take action and make a difference through meaningful service projects
How do you change the world? Change a life. Sow the seeds of service—and a lifelong commitment to caring. Sponsor a Kiwanis Service Leadership Program.
Online: Find tips and resources at Call: , ext. 411 or 800-KIWANIS, ext. 411 (USA and Canada )