SAFE AND WELL Angela McKinnon Feb. 2006
What is Safe and Well? A document building on previous guidance - part of the SE reform programme Supplement to local guidelines/policies A benchmarking tool/ good practice guide - constant reference made to standards A tool to help staff to achieve best possible outcomes for children who need help, support or protection in partnership with other agencies.
What is it not? New guidance/ rules New policies or directions Re- inventing the wheel More paper work!
Who is it for? All education services - outreach services, home school services - not just schools. Education Authorities Management teams in schools/establishments ALL school staff
Contents: Pocket guide - guidance for all Information for schools Information for Education Authorities Children Missing from Education A- Z guide and appendices with relevant legislation Format to allow for additions
Role of Child Protection Co-ordinator Information role (Standard 4 and 6) How to and when to refer - training remit Advice when care and welfare or child protection issues arise Ensure school based information is up to date and easy to locate Information about children where concerns have been expressed by other agencies
Communication role (standard 2 and 5) Liasing with other agencies First point of contact for establishment staff Follow through any concerns according to polices and procedures Ensuring all relevant school staff give appropriate support to children affected by child protection or welfare issues -who needs to know what? Liase with management team -ensure support for staff is available
Recording and Reporting (standard 4) Secure storage Partnership with other staff who have personal support role in school Information updated and accurate Completing reports for case conferences, LAC reviews, Childrens hearings Sharing of sensitive information
Who should be Child Protection Co-ordinator? Need to have time to deliver role effectively Training role? Close links with other staff in management and pastoral roles in school Collective thinking in complex cases Need to identify deputy in large schools,share role between small schools? Support and supervision for post holder
Qualities needed Accessible - good listening skills Empathy with children/ young people Record keeping and report writing skills Willing to seek advice from others Knowledge of role of other professionals involved in child protection process Determination
Role of Head Teachers and Senior Managers Ethos of school Importance of care,welfare and child protection Visible commitment to child protection Proactive, not just reactive Clear information for children and parents Mutually trusting and respectful relationships
Strategic Overview (Standard 2 and 7) Review policies and procedures regularly with staff Ensure school development plan includes child protection procedures and how staff will be trained Ensure curriculum reflects need for children to respect others, to protect themselves and to develop resilience
Contd Partnerships with other agencies are developed Ensure policies and procedures are compatible with partner agencies Ensure any external contracts reflect school policy in this area
Staff`Preparation and Support (Standard 6) Training for all staff is given appropriate priority Recruitment and induction procedures to include child protection policy Support and de-briefing for staff involved in child protection cases
Accountability (Standard 8) Maintain overview of information kept by CP co- ordinator Needs of other children following child protection action - communication strategy? Undertake appropriate action where there are allegations about a member of staff Undertake role of CP co-ordinator when required Ultimate responsibility for schools actions and responses to keep children safe and well
Role of School Staff (Standard 2, 4 and 6) Be aware of their role in helping to keep children safe and well Be aware of signs which may indicate that children may need support, are at risk or are suffering abuse Understand their responsibility to share information with other agencies Be clear about who to contact in school if they have concerns about a child Ensure they carry out their roles in ways that prevent harm to children
Role of Education Authorities (Standard 8) Ensure that staff employed are adequately trained and are suitable to work with children Work collaboratively with other agencies to ensure seamless provision of services to children Appoint a Child Protection in Education Manager CPEM –accessible, approachable,supportive and willing to seek advice from others
CPEM Role Aware of particular needs arising form diversity of local population Ensure systems exist to update schools and other services on key issues Support for staff in complex and distressing cases Develop strategic partnerships with other agencies Link with elected reps, chief executives and others in decision making and developing strategy
Children Missing from Education Children/young people who are not on a school role and are not being otherwise educated. 4 weeks absence or less in case of vulnerable child Local policy and search - named person at LA level CME service at SE
Challenges Re evaluation of current CP co-ordinators role - Training role/ expert role/support role. How can we provide training for all staff? Different ways of fulfilling role in different establishments? Making closer links with other agencies. Ensuring that children get the help they need when they need it.