Low Emission Strategy for Oxford Building on successful Partnership working between Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council following recent declaration of Oxford LEZ A new challenge ? With the help of our consultants AEA Technology and Transport & Travel Research Supported by funding from DEFRA and 2008/9
Initial thoughts…a brief SWOT on the new challenge ahead Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Low Emission Strategy for Oxford
Strengths – the positives Successful partnership between both Councils based upon statutory obligation to deliver measures outlined in AQAP as part of the LTP Both Councils have been made aware of the relevance of a Low Emission Strategy, during the process of LEZ feasibility process Report to City Executive January 2008 …” it is suggested that both Councils work together to adopt a shared Low Emission Strategy (LES), whereby policy measures applied by each Council may be considered within an integrated approach to reducing the impact of transport emissions” Report to City Executive November 2008… In order to develop city wide solutions, it is considered that the development of a Low Emission Strategy, integrated within the next LTP ( ), is required in addition to the options for a Low Emission Zone, currently under consideration for central Oxford.” Low Emission Strategy for Oxford
Weaknesses LES not a statutory duty Not a core obligation within Transport Policy …..or Planning Policy Environmental baseline not clearly defined Low Emission Strategy for Oxford
Opportunities (& possibilities) Focus of current Transport Policy is development of new LTP … requires …”LA’s to consider the impacts of their proposals on greenhouse gas emissions and to seek to reduce (and minimise) such emissions in preparing their LTP” Focus of current Planning Policy is development of Oxford Local Development scheme opportunity to consider LES within new supplementary planning documents-annual monitoring reports? Significant reference within LTP guidance to “integration of environmental plans with LTP’s, such as AQAP’s”…LES contribute to SEA? City wide AQMA, requiring a new city-wide AQAP …LES can be a vehicle for developing new AQAP between City & County City and County have commitments to reducing LA emissions under LAA/LSP agreements under NI 185 Low Emission Strategy for Oxford
Threats Very busy planning policy and transport policy time schedules Lack of officer time and commitment to a non-statutory obligation Low Emission Strategy for Oxford
Summary LES is potentially a strong integrating tool, for reducing emissions, across a range of policies that promote low carbon and sustainable development as key LA climate change response Key factor for success relies upon the ability to integrate LES with Planning and Transport Policies Within Oxford it is considered that the best approach will be to develop an LES that takes account of these two distinct but related LES policy frameworks, Transport and Planning Policy The LES is to be developed in key stages:- (i)Scoping Phase to review existing Transport and Planning Policy Frameworks (ii)Developing strategy document and Action Plan (iii)Implementation phase Low Emission Strategy for Oxford
Scoping Define the scope by reference to existing plans policies and programmes, involving key meetings with officers in City Planning Policy and County Transport Planning departments Low Emission Strategy for Oxford
Strategy Document and Action Plan May include:- Description of scope and relevance of document Reference to existing policies and plans that are relevant What LES can achieve, including links to existing targets based on LAA, and development of baselines where required Statement of commitment by supporting organisations and timescales for integration with current and future policies Consideration of options in relation to carbon reduction (Oxford average less than national average) 52% Industrial & Commercial 30% Domestic 18% Transport Examples of relevant schemes by reference to LES Beacons Group Low Emission Strategy for Oxford
Implementation Will require formal adoption of LES within Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council, with sufficient flexibility to allow for a mixture of shared and “individually owned” strategies Options to consult with the public and other district councils as well as key stakeholders Consideration of further partnership working with local business and industry Low Emission Strategy for Oxford
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