Fire in Florida’s Ecosystems A program of the Florida Division of Forestry Implemented by Pandion Systems, Inc. For more information: Welcome to Presentation #1: Introduction to Fire in Florida
Fire in Florida’s Ecosystems Today’s Lesson: Introduction to Fire in Florida Fire in Human History Basic Elements of Fire Fire in Natural Areas Two Kinds of Fire
Fire in Human History
Fire is a mystical and religious symbol that has been integrated into stories and mythology worldwide. Like the story of the Phoenix… do you remember what happened?
Human Use of Fire Fire was used by people in Florida long before modern times. How do you think native people used fire?
Early Settlers’ Use of Fire Early settlers in Florida used fire on the land. What are some reasons they may have used fire? Hint: think about farming and hunting.
Basic Elements of Fire
How is a Fire Made? The Fire Triangle FIRE What are the three legs of the fire triangle?
The Fire Triangle FUEL FIRE
The Fire Triangle FUEL OXYGEN FIRE
How Would You Stop a Fire? Any guesses?
How Would You Stop a Fire? You would take away one of the legs of the fire triangle.
Fire in Natural Areas
What does “fire in natural areas” make you think of? What are some areas in Florida that have natural fires?
What makes fire burn in natural areas? Fuels are the flammable materials that feed a fire. What are some fuels that could be found in a natural area in Florida?
Preventing fire in natural areas It is difficult, but we can put out fires in natural areas. Think about the fire triangle elements of oxygen, heat, and fuel. How could we prevent a wildfire or stop a wildfire once it starts?
Two Kinds of Fire
Fire in natural areas WildfirePrescribed Fire
Wildfire How would you define a wildfire? Look at the picture and describe what you see.
Prescribed Fire How would you define a Prescribed Fire? Look at the picture and describe what you see.
Introduction to Fire in Florida: Summary Discussion 1.How has fire been used by people in the past? 2.What are the two types of fire? 3.What are the three legs of the fire triangle? 4.What are two ways that you can get rid of dangerous fuels in a forest?