Ideas to encourage More Able students to join you at KS3 or KS5
Vertical Thinking ‘Double’ or ‘Triple’ Hit learning events that provide quality learning experiences for: i.Students in your partner primaries ii.Students in KS3 iii.Students in KS5 as leaders ‘Vertical hook’ events that grow a coherent and integrated More Able Cohort across the school or schools: a student-led newsletter or website area, in-betweener events, mixer breakfasts, a group , twitter ‘Overlap’ projects to bridge the key transitions of KS2-3 and KS4-5 More Able students involved in transition as ‘lead learners’ or ambassadors, modelling effective school learning More Able Summer Schools
Partner Primaries Sixth Form outreach into partner primaries as part of enrichment or leadership opportunities Enrichment Weeks timetabled with partner primaries Develop links with local universities jointly with partner primaries Undertake educational research with partner primaries into effective learning for More Able students More Able Ambassadors students going back into their primaries Student Portfolios of best work prepared by More Able students in Y6 to prevent a learning dip Host a More Able event together
More Able Outreach Events Monthly drop ins Road Shows Taster Days or Taster Clubs Maths buddies Project Based Learning: Astronomy, Archaeology, Architecture Socrates Competitions Events: D Factor, Mock Trial, Memory Champions, Spelling Bee Tuition: Music, Dance, Sport, writing, Latin Clubs: Forensics Club, Composer’s Club Stretch & Challenge Families’ Night Leadership Challenge Careers Fair Bridging Projects Spire Hub The Brilliant Club
More Able Sixth Form Provision Small class sizes High quality teaching Committed teachers Differentiated study facilities: Silent Study Room, Library etc. Sixth Form Privileges Network of peer study clubs Network of subject clinics Progress Tutorials University Preparation Programme: university links, Guru Lectures, ambition audit Learner CPD Sixth Form Residential ‘Super-Curricular’ Enrichment Competitions Pathway to... Programme and Careers Cafes Work experience and preparation Leadership Programme Alumni links
Excellence Programme More Able Taster Days A self-selecting cohort for an Able & Ambitious Programme Gold, silver and bronze scholarship bursary offers: i. A/ A* targets and teaching ii. Choice of books/ journals to order for Sixth Form Library iii. Paid visits to universities of choice iv. University-style tutorial in each subject half termly to discuss ideas/ projects v. Personal Tutor vi. Scholarship Form vii. Supper Club viii. Scholars Society ix. Schol-Up Tracker x. Book vouchers