Supported by. Terry Ashton Adviser (Guidance and Careers) Aberdeen City Council.


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Presentation transcript:

supported by

Terry Ashton Adviser (Guidance and Careers) Aberdeen City Council

supported by is my job just to teach?

supported by is my job just to teach?

supported by is my job just to teach?

supported by Personal Support in Schools: Implementation of Happy Safe and Achieving Their Potential

supported by National Development Officers (Personal Support in Schools) Gill Scott John MacBean

supported by what Ill speak about being a new teacher how being a teacher also means supporting kids

supported by what makes a good teacher? why do good teachers get results?

supported by starting as a new person kids learn from the start learning to speak not because parents are linguistic experts so what most helps them learn?

supported by starting as a new person

supported by starting as a new person QUESTION: If we taught children to speak like we teach them subjects, what would happen?

supported by starting as a new person QUESTION: If we taught children to walk like we teach them subjects, what would happen?

supported by starting as a new teacher

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn learning about chemistry v learning to be a chemist

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn looking out for young people

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn looking out for young people building relationships listening caring noticing building confidence and self-esteem challenging positively

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn looking out for young people

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn looking out for young people knowing when and how to seek further help specialist help LS/BS/Guidance/ Pastoral Care child protection/loss/ domestic problems etc

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn looking out for young people knowing when and how to seek further help

supported by what is the main business of school? learning how to learn

supported by learning how to learn what is the main business of school?

supported by starting as a new teacher

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn looking out for young people knowing when and how to seek further help

supported by starting as a new teacher how is personal support relevant? the way you help people to learn how to learn looking out for young people knowing when and how to seek further help the personal support role of every teacher

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by the personal support role of every teacher respect

supported by the personal support role of every teacher respect

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by capabilities personal qualities needs difficulties challenge positively the personal support role of every teacher appreciation

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by listen take feelings and ideas seriously inspiration cooperation skills of making and maintaining relationships the personal support role of every teacher relationships

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by give students some power over their own learning let students do things for themselves give them real responsibility the personal support role of every teacher trust

supported by the personal support role of every teacher trust

supported by the personal support role of every teacher trust

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by respect appreciation relationships trust noticing the personal support role of every teacher

supported by looking out for young people noticing how they feel and behave, what they say etc responding to it knowing what to do with the information the personal support role of every teacher noticing

supported by barriers to learning

supported by they have had poor experiences of school why do some youngsters not learn so well? r e l a t i o n s h i p p r o b l e m s b u l l y i n g h e a l t h p r o b l e m s t r u a n c y boring lessons peer pressure

supported by they have missed a significant part of schooling why do some youngsters not learn so well? c a n t c a t c h u p s o g i v e u p c a n t f i g u r e o u t w h a t s g o i n g o n

supported by difficult personal circumstances why do some youngsters not learn so well? l o o k e d a f t e r m o v e d h o m e o f t e n parenting problems f a m i l y c i r c u m s t a n c e s

supported by particular learning needs and difficulties why do some youngsters not learn so well? n o t r e c o g n i s e d n o t d e a l t w i t h

supported by kids dont learn well unless we help remove the barriers to learning

supported by kids dont learn well unless we help remove the barriers to learning noticing specialist help

supported by what makes a good teacher? why do good teachers get results?

supported by is my job just to teach?

supported by download presentation

supported by

download presentation

supported by thank you for listening

supported by national website