Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Jesus the Priest
What and who is a priest? A man set apart and consecrated to serve God in his Church He intercedes for us and offers worship on behalf of man to God He brings God and his grace to the people through the sacraments He acts in the person of Christ during the liturgy His is to be a Christ-like example at all times, bringing God’s love to all people.
Turn to page 53 in your textbook. Read, “Jesus our Priest.” Jesus is the one true Priest whose Sacrifice on the Cross won for us the gift of sanctifying grace. He is the mediator between God and man, uniting within himself human and divine natures He offered the perfect Sacrifice of himself to the Father, which was pleasing to the Father, redeeming man and purchasing eternal life.
Jesus shared his grace with mankind. He gave us the sacraments and told his apostles to bring these gifts to all the world. He instituted the seven sacraments through which his graces pour through the Church. He told the apostles to go forth and baptize all nations. He instituted both the Eucharist and the priesthood when he gave the apostles the power to consecrate the Eucharist (Lk 22:11-19). He gave them the power to forgive sins (Jn 20:22-23). He declared the sanctity of marriage (Mt 19:3-6) He promised to send the Holy Spirit (Acts1:8). We see the outpouring of this Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2:4) We know this is distinct from Baptism (Acts 8:14-17). The annointing of the sick (Mt 10:1).
In the sacraments, Jesus works through the minister of the sacrament. In this way, he pours his grace into our souls through the outward signs he instituted for this purpose.
Baptism By this sacrament, we share in the priestly ministry of Christ. We are called to offer worship to the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. We consecrate our lives and our works to God, making ourselves and all we do a holy and pleasing sacrifice to the Father in union with Jesus Christ.