POPPHI – WGI presentations FIGO
1. Lectures given on prevention & management of PPH that included FIGO/ICM joint statement and active management of the third stage of labour. September 08Montreal December 08Sri Lanka January 09Qatar January 09 India February 09Saudi Arabia March 09Jordan (meeting of Palestinian Territories, Syria & Jordan) March 09Trinidad and Tobago April 09Japan
2. Workshop in Sri Lanka to form a national plan for the prevention and management of PPH Regional workshops on active management of third stage; use of misoprostol for R of PPH Use of tamponade in small units Antishock garment for treatment +/- transfer Compression sutures Combination Hysterectomy
3. Articles and guidelines published and related to PPH prevention and management ARTICLES Doumouchtsis, SK, Papageorghiou, AT and Arulkumaran, S. Systematic Review of Conservative Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage: What to Do When Medical Treatment Fails. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 2 (8): Doumouchtsis, SK, Papageorghiou, AT, Vernier C and Arulkumaran, S. Management of postpartum hemorrhage by uterine balloon tamponade: prospective evaluation of effectiveness. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica 2008, 87 (8): Chandraharan, E and Arulkumaran, S. Massive postpartum haemorrhage and management of coagulopathy. Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine 2007, 17 (4): Many others + Chapters & abstracts
GUIDELINES Blood Transfusion in Obstetrics (Green-top Guideline 47), Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology The Role of Emergency and Elective Interventional Radiology in Postpartum Haemorrhage (Good Practice Series 6), Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Prevention & Management of PPH (Green top Guide line) Maternity Dashboard – a clinical governance tool – Good Practice sereis 7)
4. Work in countries as requested by POPPHI Prof Bruno Carbonne represented FIGO in the POPPHI activities held in Benin and Mali with Ms Susheela Engelbrecht which included the development of a joint statement with Malian professional organisations on the prevention of PPH. Also, a presentation of the new FIGO/ICM recommendations for the prevention of PPH and an overview of studies conducted on misoprostol use at the community level for the prevention of PPH were also given for the 11th Annual International Day of the Midwife in Bamako
5. Development of teaching materials Details will be provided at the task force meeting Models to learn how to do Tamonade, compression sutures Can be modified for manual removal of placenta