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Presentation transcript:


Improving Scottish Education (HMIe, 2009) The key to developing capacities, raising standards and meeting the needs of all learners lies of course in consistent, high quality learning and teaching. The increasing extent to which teachers are sharing, analysing and comparing each others practice, although limited, is encouraging. We have to place professional development covering both subject content and pedagogy at the centre of our approach if we are to achieve better experiences and outcomes for learners … Such development should build capacity for professional networking utilising, for example, the huge potential for GLOW and other forms of ICT.

SHARING GOOD PRACTICE GLOW GROUP Aims To address the issue of Methodology and Methodological Progression as stated in the Local Implementation Strategy for Curriculum for Excellence. To create a system that allows the sharing of good practice across all schools in Aberdeen * equity * sustain development and build capacity To explore the potential of GLOW as a powerful tool to facilitate the process of sharing of good practice.

SHARING GOOD PRACTICE GLOW GROUP Potential Use Individual CPD Whole staff or department CPD, e.g. INSET Professional Review and Development Quality Assurance process Facilitating the Professional Exchange Directory (A. Jones).

SHARING GOOD PRACTICE GLOW GROUP Benefits Cost effective! Easy to use and can be accessed anytime - anywhere! Multifunctional use to meet individual needs. Concise explanations about pedagogy to ensure understanding, including research to emphasise why. Highlights expertise across Aberdeen to potentially utilise. Staff, across all sectors, can engage in professional dialogue about learning and teaching issues. Shared practice area avoids re-inventing the wheel! Is a sustainable resource which will develop over time..

SHARING GOOD PRACTICE GLOW GROUP Timescale January – April 2009 – All pages set up and research/key features/hyperlinks identified for every principle. April – June 2009 – Gathering of exemplification materials. June 2009 – Launch event with all staff becoming readers. August 2009 – One ASG rep given administration rights to allow the exemplification materials bank to grow and therefore building capacity/sustaining development.

SHARING GOOD PRACTICE GLOW GROUP The success of this resource depends on the readiness to share practice. How can YOU as a school contribute to this GLOW Group?