supported by the welcome!
Terry Ashton Adviser (Guidance & Careers) Aberdeen City Council
supported by the Gill Scott John MacBean National Development Officers: Personal Support in Schools
supported by the purposes of the day to understand the background to the project and consider the way forward to think about how we can all be involved in improving personal support in schools to help you to decide what you can do to become part of this project
supported by the what we will speak about What is personal support for? background to the project what Happy, Safe and Achieving Their Potential says the implementation of HSAP how we need you to be involved
supported by the Why personal support?
supported by the What do young people need from education?
supported by the CHANGE
external changes internal changes
supported by the young people need to
supported by the take charge of change rather than be victims of change
supported by the be creative at solving problems
supported by the have self-respect
supported by the take responsibility and do things!
supported by the get on with other people
supported by the take charge of change be creative have self-respect take responsibility have good relationships
supported by the take charge of change be creative have self-respect take responsibility have good relationships most important learning
supported by the
HSAP did not appear out of the blue
the 10 standards review of individual progress access to support learning for life
supported by the the 10 standards learning for life
supported by the the 10 standards learning for life 1.EPSD/PSE 2.information for decision-making 3.participation & citizenship
supported by the the 10 standards review of individual progress access to support learning for life
supported by the the 10 standards review of individual progress
supported by the the 10 standards review of individual progress 4.regular review of progress 5.transitions 6.planning for the future
supported by the the 10 standards review of individual progress access to support learning for life
supported by the the 10 standards access to support
supported by the the 10 standards access to support role of all staff 8.coordination of partnership working 9.confidentiality 10.time & space
supported by the the 10 standards review of individual progress access to support learning for life
supported by the
access to support review of individual progress learning for life
supported by the
access to support review of individual progress learning for life
supported by the
access to support review of individual progress learning for life
supported by the
access to support review of individual progress learning for life
supported by the what else does it say?
supported by the what else does it say? role of all staff
supported by the what else does it say? role of all staff role of local authorities
supported by the what else does it say? role of all staff role of local authorities involving young people
supported by the what else does it say? role of all staff role of local authorities involving young people systematic identification of needs
supported by the what else does it say? role of all staff role of local authorities involving young people systematic identification of needs systems for early intervention
supported by the what else does it say? role of all staff role of local authorities involving young people systematic identification of needs systems for early intervention planning, CPD and QA
supported by the what else does it say? role of all staff role of local authorities involving young people systematic identification of needs systems for early intervention planning, CPD and QA outcomes
supported by the what else does it say? role of all staff role of local authorities involving young people systematic identification of needs systems for early intervention planning, CPD and QA outcomes
supported by the why personal support? to help youngsters get the most out of the school curriculum to help youngsters to learn how to support themselves (personal development)
supported by the aCfE HSAP ASL AifL A A A A
supported by the
implementation promote the importance of personal support as an essential service for all school students
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS inform, support and assist local authorities, partner agencies and schools in developing their approach to personal support through implementing the ten standards
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve agencies & organisations which have expertise and interest in personal support
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve organisations
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve organisations help everyone to know and understand more about the variety of practices, processes and strategies for personal support
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve organisations help understanding of practice
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve organisations help understanding of practice help to increase understanding of partnership working
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve organisations help understanding of practice partnership working
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve organisations help understanding of practice partnership working encourage the effective integration of services
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve organisations help understanding of practice partnership working effective integration
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve organisations help understanding of practice partnership working effective integration relationship of other strategic developments to PS
supported by the implementation promote importance of PS support local authorities involve organisations help understanding of practice partnership working effective integration relationship of other strategic developments to PS
supported by the implementation
implementation – how?
supported by the implementation – how? national network
supported by the implementation – how? national network working with local authorities
supported by the implementation – how? national network working with local authorities practitioners toolkit
supported by the implementation – how? national network working with local authorities practitioners toolkit participation in conferences
supported by the implementation – how? national network working with local authorities practitioners toolkit participation in conferences collecting, collating and disseminating practice
supported by the implementation – how? national network working with local authorities practitioners toolkit participation in conferences collecting, collating and disseminating practice CPD materials
supported by the implementation – how? national network working with local authorities practitioners toolkit participation in conferences collecting, collating and disseminating practice CPD materials involvement with teacher training
supported by the implementation – how? national network working with local authorities practitioners toolkit participation in conferences collecting, collating and disseminating practice CPD materials involvement with teacher training
supported by the
how the project works
supported by the how the project works management
supported by the how the project works management national development officers
supported by the how the project works management national development officers Advisory Group
supported by the how the project works management national development officers Advisory Group National Network
supported by the how the project works management national development officers Advisory Group National Network links with aCfE, LTS HMIe, HPS Unit, etc
supported by the how the project works management national development officers Advisory Group National Network links with AcfE, LTS HMIe, HPS Unit, etc
supported by the your role
supported by the your role your own LA network(s)
supported by the your role your own LA network(s) disseminate information about HSAP
supported by the your role your own LA network(s) disseminate information about HSAP feed in information about practice
supported by the your role your own LA network(s) disseminate information about HSAP collect information about practice disseminate practice
supported by the your role your own LA network(s) disseminate information about HSAP collect information about practice disseminate practice in your school encourage integration of services
supported by the your role your own LA network(s) disseminate information about HSAP collect information about practice disseminate practice encourage integration of services aCfE as the focus for PS
supported by the your role your own LA network(s) disseminate information about HSAP collect information about practice disseminate practice encourage integration of services aCfE as the focus for PS
supported by the effective personal support leads to better learning
supported by the
thank you for listening