R. Cherkaoui 30-31 March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels High-performance networking in the context of the ATLAS particle physics experiment Prof. Rajaa Cherkaoui.


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Presentation transcript:

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels High-performance networking in the context of the ATLAS particle physics experiment Prof. Rajaa Cherkaoui El Moursli, Mohammed V – Agdal University, Rabat Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques, Morocco EU-MED EVENT 3 Conference on e-Infrastructures across the Mediterranean March 2010 Brussels

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels Outline The ATLAS Collaboration (LHC –ATLAS experiment) RUPHE (Moroccan High Energy Physics Network) MARWAN (the Moroccan Wide Area Network) The importance of EUMEDCONNECT for Moroccan participation in ATLAS. 2

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels The ATLAS collaboration 37 countries, 2100 scientists in 165 working groups across the globe 3

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels The Large Hadron Collider 4

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) 44 m 25 m tons

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) The LHC : 15 Petabytes of data annually, Data access ( 5,000 scientists / 500 research institutes and universities worldwide) Data availability: 15 years Solution: The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) WLCG uses different operational Grid organizations all over the world. 6

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels ATLAS Computing Model 7 NDGF (Nordic countries) EGEE (Europe Asia Canada) OSG (USA)

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels RUPHE (Réseau Universitaire des Hautes Energies -Morocco) 1996 : Morocco joins ATLAS experiment RUPHE : Moroccan High Energy Physics Network - 5 Universities: Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakech, Oujda, Tétouan - the National Center for Energy, Science and Nuclear Technics (CNESTEN) with the support of the Ministry of education and the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST). 8

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels MARoc Wide Area Network (MARWAN 2) 9 Rabat Casablanca the Moroccan National Research and Education Network

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels EumedConnect 10

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels MaGrid (CNRST-Morocco) Support to e-science activities connection to EGEE Grid MaGrid Certificate Authority 11

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels Morocco in ATLAS 1 sector 64 sectors (8 modules / sector) = 512 modules (50000 anodes ) Mechanical and electrical test of anodes anode 1 Module Participation to the ATLAS electromagnetic presampler construction

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels 13 Morocco in ATLAS the insertion of 32 sectors of the presampler at CERN.

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels Morocco in ATLAS Physics and detector simulations Test beam (shifts, assembling, insertion, …) at CERN Analysis of combined test beam data ATLAS Software in Magrid Cluster Simulated and Real Data Analysis 14

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels New researches Medical Physics - Simulation with GEANT4 and GATE (scanner, accelerator) in radiology, nuclear medecine, radiotherapy Conception and design of Detector in the International Linear Collider (ILC) 15

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels Conclusion ATLAS transfer of large amounts of data The advanced connectivity will help the Moroccan community :  to explore the rich scientific potential of ATLAS  to develop medical physics  to participate to the International Linear Collider project 16

R. Cherkaoui March 2010 EU-MED 3 Brussels THANK YOU 17