Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom Dimitris Visvikis 15 November 2014
General NMISC issues: Elections 1 We held our annual NMISC elections with 5 members elected amongst 8 candidates New NMISC members (01/01/ /12/2017) Volkmar Schulz (RWTH Aachen University) Jae Sung Lee (Seoul National University College of Medicine) Joyita Dutta, (MGH, MA) Kris Thielemans (UCL, Londres) Paul Vaska (Stony Brook University, NY) 15 November 2014
General NMISC issues: Elections 2 Elections for a new NPSS ADCOM representative to replace Alberto Del Guerra NPSS ADCOM representative (01/01/ /12/2018) Steve Meikle (University of Sydney) Many thanks to Alberto for all his efforts as the NMISC representative to the ADCOM 15 September 2014
2014, Seattle, WA: Tony Lavietes is General Chair; Georges El Fakhri is the MIC Program Chair 646 submissions (118 orals, 461 posters) for the MIC part Entire day of joint sessions: NSS/MIC, NSS/RTSD, NSS/RTSD/MIC 3 short refresher courses (lunchtime) Extensive short courses program Paperless! NSS/Medical Imaging Conference 15 September 2014
MIC awards candidates considered for each of the two annual MIC awards Glenn Wells (University of Ottawa Heart Institute) as the NMISC award subcommittee chair handled the process with separate evaluation committees put together for the two awards Bruce Hasegawa Young Investigator Medical Imaging Science Award Edward J Hoffman Medical Imaging Scientist Award 15 September 2014
MIC awards 2014 Bruce Hasegawa Young Investigator Medical Imaging Science Award Mathieu HATT LaTIM, National Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (INSERM), Brest, France “For contributions to the field of medical image analysis and processing for oncology and radiotherapy applications.” 15 September 2014
MIC awards 2014 Edward J Hoffman Medical Imaging Scientist Award Joel KARP University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA “For contributions to fully-3D PET system design and quantitative imaging.” 15 September 2014
NSS/Medical Imaging Conference (status and plans) 2015, San Diego: Vesna Sossi is General Chair; Adam Alessio will be the MIC Program Chair. 2016, Strasbourg, France: Maxim Titov is General Chair Dimitris Visvikis MIC Program Chair, Suleman Surti Deputy MIC Chair (first complete committee meeting last Tuesday 11/11/14) 2017, North America: Atlanta, Hyatt. Program chair choice under way (to be completed by the end of the year) 2018: Proposals from Australia, Japan, UK (1 st round of votes by the end of the year) 15 September 2014