with the support of the personal support and young people at risk of becoming excluded from learning and work Terry Ashton Adviser (Guidance & Careers), Aberdeen City Council
with the support of the personal support and NEET becoming excluded from learning and work Terry Ashton Adviser (Guidance & Careers), Aberdeen City Council
with the support of the personal support and young people at risk of becoming excluded from learning and work Terry Ashton Adviser (Guidance & Careers), Aberdeen City Council
with the support of the 50: £1 Million £500,000 £250,000 £125,000 £64,000 £32,000 £16,000 £8,000 £4,000 £2,000 £1,000 £500 £300 £200 £100 what is the key to including those who are in danger of being excluded?
with the support of the
National Implementation Project
with the support of the National Development Officers (Personal Support in Schools) Gill Scott John MacBean
with the support of the what its like for a disaffected youngster what youngsters need what HSAP is all about how the 10 standards for personal support relate to the disaffected
with the support of the what would they be doing in personal support? an excellent school
with the support of the what do parents want for their kids? an excellent school
with the support of the an excellent school what do youngsters need?
with the support of the why do some youngsters become disaffected?
with the support of the they dont see the value of school or learning why do some youngsters become disaffected?
with the support of the they have had poor experiences of school why do some youngsters become disaffected? r e l a t i o n s h i p p r o b l e m s b u l l y i n g h e a l t h p r o b l e m s t r u a n c y boring lessons
with the support of the they have missed a significant part of schooling why do some youngsters become disaffected? c a n t c a t c h u p s o g i v e u p c a n t f i g u r e o u t w h a t s g o i n g o n
with the support of the difficult personal circumstances why do some youngsters become disaffected? l o o k e d a f t e r m o v e d h o m e o f t e n parenting problems
with the support of the particular learning needs and difficulties why do some youngsters become disaffected? n o t r e c o g n i s e d n o t d e a l t w i t h
with the support of the kids dont learn unless we help remove the barriers to learning
with the support of the helps all youngsters to learn better helps remove the barriers to learning personal support
with the support of the the 10 standards review of individual progress access to support learning for life
with the support of the the 10 standards learning for life
with the support of the the 10 standards learning for life 1.EPSD/PSE self-esteem & confidence life skills personal & social development
with the support of the the 10 standards learning for life 1.EPSD/PSE 2.information for decision-making accessible, relevant information job/career decisions lifestyles
with the support of the the 10 standards learning for life 1.EPSD/PSE 2.information for decision-making 3.participation & citizenship more likely to stay engaged if they have a stake in decisions about their own learning programme and school
with the support of the the 10 standards review of individual progress access to support learning for life
with the support of the the 10 standards review of individual progress
with the support of the the 10 standards review of individual progress 4.regular review of progress monitoring target setting action planning mentoring
with the support of the the 10 standards review of individual progress 4.regular review of progress 5.transitions transition programme strong links world of work work with parents
with the support of the the 10 standards review of individual progress 4.regular review of progress 5.transitions 6.planning for the future integrated approach business engagement mentoring
with the support of the the 10 standards learning for life review of individual progress access to support
with the support of the the 10 standards access to support
with the support of the the 10 standards access to support 7.support role of all staff access to staff specialist services counselling
with the support of the the 10 standards access to support 7.support role of all staff 8.coordination of partnership working coordination of support by one person clear arrangements with other education providers partnership working in dealing with NEET
with the support of the the 10 standards access to support 7.support role of all staff 8.coordination of partnership working 9.confidentiality opportunity to discuss issues and concerns in private access to counselling and other specialist services
with the support of the the 10 standards access to support 7.support role of all staff 8.coordination of partnership working 9.confidentiality 10.time & space identificatiuon of needs facilities for different ways of providing support involve youngsters in decisions
with the support of the the 10 standards access to support review of individual progress learning for life
with the support of the what else does it say?
with the support of the what else does it say? role of all staff role of local authorities involving young people systematic identification of needs systems for early intervention planning, CPD and QA outcomes
with the support of the why personal support? to help youngsters get the most out of the school curriculum to decrease barriers to learning to help youngsters to learn how to support themselves (personal development)
with the support of the
access to support review of individual progress learning for life
with the support of the
access to support review of individual progress learning for life
with the support of the
access to support review of individual progress learning for life
with the support of the
access to support review of individual progress learning for life
with the support of the what does it not say?
with the support of the what engages kids?
with the support of the what engages kids? magnets that attract
with the support of the what engages kids? activity magnets- music, arts, sport… financial magnets work & income magnets interesting and relevant magnets
with the support of the what else helps? the way services are delivered integrated with client tracking (eg in careers service with financial support where needed
with the support of the what else helps? tackling disengagement early counselling & specialist guidance re-engagement programmes effective teaching!
with the support of the what else helps? curriculum flexibility relevance functional skills vocational links life skills & education for personal development
with the support of the A: integrated services C: personal support B: relevant curriculum D: mentoring 50: £1 Million £500,000 £250,000 £125,000 £64,000 £32,000 £16,000 £8,000 £4,000 £2,000 £1,000 £500 £300 £200 £100 what is the key to including those who are in danger of being excluded?
with the support of the A: integrated services C: personal support B: relevant curriculum D: mentoring 50: £1 Million £500,000 £250,000 £125,000 £64,000 £32,000 £16,000 £8,000 £4,000 £2,000 £1,000 £500 £300 £200 £100 what is the key to including those who are in danger of being excluded?
with the support of the A: integrated services C: personal support B: relevant curriculum D: mentoring 50: £1 Million £500,000 £250,000 £125,000 £64,000 £32,000 £16,000 £8,000 £4,000 £2,000 £1,000 £500 £300 £200 £100 what is the key to including those who are in danger of being excluded?
with the support of the A: integrated services C: personal support B: relevant curriculum D: mentoring 50: £1 Million £500,000 £250,000 £125,000 £64,000 £32,000 £16,000 £8,000 £4,000 £2,000 £1,000 £500 £300 £200 £100 what is the key to including those who are in danger of being excluded?
with the support of the A: integrated services C: personal support B: relevant curriculum D: mentoring 50: £1 Million £500,000 £250,000 £125,000 £64,000 £32,000 £16,000 £8,000 £4,000 £2,000 £1,000 £500 £300 £200 £100 what is the key to including those who are in danger of being excluded?
with the support of the A: integrated services C: personal support B: relevant curriculum D: mentoring 50: £1 Million £500,000 £250,000 £125,000 £64,000 £32,000 £16,000 £8,000 £4,000 £2,000 £1,000 £500 £300 £200 £100 what is the key to including those who are in danger of being excluded? £1 million !!!!
with the support of the download presentation