International Program (Japan) Chang Seungbin, Choi Dasom, Choi Hyunjoo
Tottori, Japan
Tottori University Hospital 明治 26 年 4 月 1 日 ( ) 病院長 北野 博也 ( Kitano Hiroya) There are 34 Divisions of specialized medical care an Emergency Medical Center (establish in October 2004), a General Maternity and Obstetrics Center (established in July 2006) a Cancer Center (established in April 2007). Brain and Mind Medical Center (in July 2009) comprising 4 clinical departments (2009) - Psychiatry, Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Neuropediatrics - the Radiation Therapy building (in March) and Cancer Center facilities(in October)
Total number of Beds : (As of April.2010) :697 Admission patients (per day) : Outpatients (per day): ICU 15.3 HCU 7.7 ER center 8.0 The Number of Operations (per day) 219 平成 22 年度病床稼働率 ( ward utilization rate) 87.27%
Hospital Map
Hospital Entrance
A Graduate School of Public Health
Cashier’s Counter
Outpatients Building
Outpatient Clinic (ENT)
Examination & Treatment Room
Practice Teaching (Caloric Test )
Doctors’ Office
With Tottori University Medical Students
Fitting Room
Inpatients Building
Inpatient Clinic
Imaging Examination
Practice Teaching (Vessels Anastomosis)
ENT Conference at ANA Hotel
After-Work Party
Tour with ENT Doctors
Mountain Daisen ( 大山 )
Matsue Castle
Adachi Museum
Impressions 환자와의 라뽀를 중 요히 생각하는 돗토 리 대학 병원에서 많 은 것을 느끼고 배우 고 돌아왔습니다.
신경써주신 돗토리 대학 모든 ENT 의사분들과 한 국에서 지원해주신 교수님들께 진심으 로 감사드립니다.
이러한 친분이 앞 으로도 지속되길 바랍니다.
Completion of the Course
Thank you