I gained more insight in to myself, global contemporary issues, and global opportunities within my reach, than I could have imagined.
…one of the greatest times of my life…I made lifelong friends from all over the world.
Without doubt one of the most incredible years of my life…Id do it again in a heartbeat!
…full of ups and downs but all the experiences together make a year I would not change.
I learnt a great deal about Australian culture and history, visited its vast and varied landscape and made the most of living and studying in a place where the beautiful South Pacific was just a short fly away.
More Quotes! So many advantages to going abroad, its difficult to know where to begin! A great opportunity to be pushed out of your comfort zone. Unlike visiting on holiday you actually get the chance to experience life as a local. Immerse yourself fully in the culture. One of the most amazing years of my life. I have friends from the most far flung places of the world. Employers love life experience. New opportunities for networking and career development. The decision to study abroad was one of the best I have ever made. Living abroad makes people more open-minded and self-reliant. It was an amazing, unique experience. This was the greatest semester of my life and I plan on returning for further studying. Studying abroad has given me a lot of confidence. I believe I am capable of making a life anywhere. I believe that this experience has acted as the flick in the domino effect. Extended amount of time in another country is an opportunity that may not arise again. I now have more confidence in my academic ability. You can read books, get a first, but until youve studied abroad your education isnt complete!