Politics & Active Citizenship (PAC) CLUB Open online community for teachers and educators POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
Are you looking for that perfect activity for your classroom to teach something boring like Citizenship and Politics? The Politics Active Citizenship (PAC) CLUB could be your solution. POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
Cannot stand the bored faces of your pupils while trying to get them interested in EU topics? The Politics Active Citizenship (PAC) CLUB could help you. POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
Would you like to get your pupils involved and active in social & political events in your country? The Politics Active Citizenship (PAC) CLUB could help you. POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
The PAC CLUB is an open online community where you can meet teacherseducators interested in learning processes The PAC CLUB is an open online community where you can meet teachers, educators & people interested in learning processes. POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
The PAC CLUB is an open online community where you can meet teacherseducators interested in learning processes that share the same concerns with you. The PAC CLUB is an open online community where you can meet teachers, educators & people interested in learning processes. that share the same concerns with you. POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
Are you interested in finding solutions together? Keep reading. We might have already found a solution for you! POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
What's in it for You? By joining the Politics Active Citizenship Club you can... POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
through educational Tutorials and plenty of great examples Learn to integrate Digital Storytelling, Educational scenarios and Web2.0 tools in your teaching and learningDigital Storytelling Educational scenariosWeb2.0 tools POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
Gain access to the Learning about Politics (LAP) platform that hosts: digital stories, educational scenarios, learning activities, groups & forums, learning resources (text, video, images) on citizenship and politics related topics A digital copy of the LAP Platform Handbook is available to guide you through the use of the platform. Learning about Politics (LAP) platformLAP Platform Handbook Learning about Politics (LAP) platformLAP Platform Handbook POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
in English, German, Greek, Italian, Slovenian and Estonian EnglishGermanGreekItalianSlovenianEstonianEnglishGermanGreekItalianSlovenianEstonian Gain access to 5 multilingual Politics Blogs with learning activities and resources. POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
with your students for your own teaching and learning goals. Become an Active Member of the Politics community and start using yourself the LAP platform LAP platformLAP platform POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
using the social tools of the LAP platform Gain access to a community of educators and learners interested to share their stories, resources and ideas and funding opportunities POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
Schools, associations, ONG institutions... Get your organization on the Politics Club map together with other members of the Club POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
about the activities of Politics project and funding opportunities at a local and European level Are invited to participate in the Politics events and receive updated news Politics events Politics events POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
Members of politics consortium: Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom (Wales) Receive support and advice from the Politics consortium Politics consortiumPolitics consortium POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP
Other useful links: Politics project Learning about Politics (LAP) Platform Politics Wiki page Click here to Join us! here to Join ushere to Join us POLITICS Project LLP LLP EE-KA3-KA3MP