Proposal Insert Subtitle Here Strictly Private and Confidential Draft December 8, 2014 Risk Management guidance box Guidance when using Smart Transaction.


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Presentation transcript:

Proposal Insert Subtitle Here Strictly Private and Confidential Draft December 8, 2014 Risk Management guidance box Guidance when using Smart Transaction Services

PwC December 8, 2014Confidential Information for the sole benefit and use of PwC’s Client. Draft [Name] [Partner/Principal] [T:+1 (000) ] [M: +1 (000) ] [Name] [Partner/Principal] [T:+1 (000) ] [M: +1 (000) ] [Name] [Partner/Principal] [T:+1 (000) ] [M: +1 (000) ] PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP [Address] T:+1 (000) F:+1 (000) [Client Name] [Address - Street] [Address - Town/City] Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: Thank you for the opportunity to present our proposal to [insert description of services]. We look forward to [expanding or developing] our relationship with [insert name of client]. Our team is committed to proactively working with you to ensure that your objectives are met. Our resources for this project are strategically located in the U.S. [insert other territories] to provide [insert objective e.g., strong transaction analysis and advice]. Further, our extended Transaction Services team stands ready to assist should matters arise in areas such as [accounting advisory, valuations, human resources, information technology or operational issues etc.]. We hope this information [, as well as our presentation,] illustrates the value we will bring to you as an independent and objective advisor – and present a clear picture as to why we are the most qualified firm. Again, thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal and our credentials. We look forward to further discussions with you and advising you on this project. [insert, if applicable:This proposal and our services are contingent upon our completing certain [client and] engagement acceptance procedures.] In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments regarding this document, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Proposal Guidance: Insert names of contracting territory partners and staff only 2 Appendices[Insert Description]Agenda

PwC December 8, 2014Confidential Information for the sole benefit and use of PwC’s Client. Draft Transmittal Letter2 [Insert Description]4 1 Insert Banner5 Appendices6 1 Insert Banner7 Agenda 3 Proposal To navigate this report on-screen (in pdf format) From any page – click on the section title in the header navigation bar From this Contents page – click on the title of the section or sub-section From the contents listing on any section divider – click on the title of the sub-section Guidance: Subsections in this template are provided for illustrative purposes only. You can add any number of additional subsections and appendices to the report as needed. But you should always maintain the overall structure, having At a glance, Executive report and Selected information. Guidance: The navigation instruction below will be removed if you change the TOC style using the Properties option. To avoid this, copy the box below to another slide before changing the TOC style then paste it back. Appendices[Insert Description]Agenda

PwC December 8, 2014Confidential Information for the sole benefit and use of PwC’s Client. Draft [Insert Description] Proposal Guidance: Subsections in this template are provided for illustrative purposes only. You can add any number of subsections to the section. When adding slides to the section, use the “Content” slides in the New Slide menu - these have the correct format for this part of the report. To add sections and subsections to the this part of the report you can either use traditional section dividers or the same approach used in the Executive report, where standard slides can be made to act as section dividers by using the Navigation option on the Smart ribbon. 4 [Insert Description]4 1 Insert Banner5 Appendices[Insert Description]Agenda

PwC December 8, 2014Confidential Information for the sole benefit and use of PwC’s Client. Draft Insert Banner Proposal 1 Insert Banner Content guidance: Proposal best practice includes addressing the following: Our Understanding of Your Needs Issue (Client Issue) Action (You need someone to do this and we’re the ones) Impact (The outcome it will have and key benefits to them in the end) 5 Appendices[Insert Description]Agenda

PwC December 8, 2014Confidential Information for the sole benefit and use of PwC’s Client. Draft Appendices Proposal Guidance: You can add any number of additional appendices to the report. When adding slides to the appendices use the “Content” slides in the New Slide menu - these have the correct format for this part of the report. To add additional appendices and sub- appendices you can either use traditional appendix divider slides or the same approach used in the Executive Report, where standard slides can be made to act as appendix dividers (by using the Navigation option on the Smart ribbon). 6 Appendices6 1 Insert Banner7 Appendices[Insert Description]Agenda

PwC December 8, 2014Confidential Information for the sole benefit and use of PwC’s Client. Draft Insert Banner Proposal 1 Insert Banner Guidance: Scan in a copy of the signed contract / engagement letter, including terms of business. 7 Appendices[Insert Description]Agenda

© [Year] PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. “PwC” or “PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, or, as the context requires, its subsidiaries, or other member firms of the PwC global network, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity. This document contains information that is proprietary and confidential to PwC and is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. This document is for general information purposes only and is provided “as is”. PwC disclaims any representations or warranties (express or implied) with respect to the information and it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. Any use of this information is at the user’s own risk. [Insert if the information is confidential: This document should not be copied, reproduced, referenced, disclosed or otherwise used, in whole or in part, without PwC’s express prior written consent.]