State of Colorado Regional Emergency Medical and Trauma Advisory Councils
SEMTAC State Emergency Medical & Trauma Advisory Council Council appointed by Governor to advise CDPHE on issues Provides a diverse representation from across the state
RETAC - A Brief History EMS Funding bill of 1989 –SB 034 Trauma System Formed in 1995 –SB Integrated EMTS System passed in 2000 –Created SEMTAC and RETACs –SB 180 CRS
RETAC - A Brief History Meant to be the local version of SEMTAC Formed by the counties Facilities and Emergency Medical Service Agencies major players Differing Levels of Trauma Centers
RETAC - A Brief History 11 Regional Councils formed Formation based on Patient flow and common interests Most merged preexisting EMS and Trauma councils formed at the local level Local input and decisions
RETAC - Roles Each Local Council Determines priorities Maintains Local Control CQI – Continuous Quality Improvement Patient Flow patterns Patient destination Policies Biennial Plan –Covers 15 Components
RETAC - Roles Receive advise from local EMS/ES Councils Give advise to SEMTAC and CDPHE –Patient Care –EMT Certification –Data Collection
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RETAC Funding Disbursement is governed by statute All RETAC’s Receive $75,000 All RETAC’s Receive $15,000 per county All RETACs provide funding at the local, County, and Regional level for varied projects
RETAC Structure 501c3 Government Instrumentality Inter-Governmental Agreement Agreement with fiscal agent Each has advantages and is determined Locally
RETAC Structure RETACs are councils All have bylaws All are County (BOCC) Appointed Representatives All RETAC’s have Coordinators who are contractors or employees of the RETAC
RETAC Coordinators Oversee day-to-day operations of RETAC Facilitate Meetings Facilitate communication between EMS Agencies, Hospitals and the State EMS Section Provide Technical Assistance Coordinate projects to provide meaningful results
RETAC Coordinators Understand the local area they serve Most have medical background Attend Local EMS/ES council meetings Facilitate Local and Regional Planning processes
RETAC Programs Prevention Education Data Collection System evaluation and improvement (CQI) Grants