Projection of Psychiatry services By the year 2000 Project Objectives Continue to offer psychiatric services within The Primary Health Care Services (PHC) Community medicine School Health. n Ensure the availability of psychiatric care for the elderly n Ensure the availability of psychiatric care for the mentally retarded individuals n Ensure the availability of psychiatric care to juvenile delinquents n Ensure the availability of psychiatric care for the Drugs and Alcohol dependent individuals. n Ensure psychiatric treatment for individuals with chronic mental illness in the specialized centers.
Legislation The current state of mental health legislation in the country n 1 - Federal law no 28 (1981) mental health act “ Detention and treatment of the mentally ill” n 2 - Federal law no 6 (1986) Control of Narcotic substance and the like-substancesAmended Federal law no 14 (1995)“Federal law for illicit drug and psychotropic drugs” n 3 – Federal law no 4 (1983) Pharmaceutical professions and institutions n 4 – Federal law no 43 ( 1993) “Organization of reform institution” n 5 – UAE National formally of drugs
Ministerial Decrees n 1 - Ministerial Decree no 28 (1986) Establishment of drug dependency units n 2 - Ministerial Decree no 30,(1987) By laws of drug dependency unit n 3 - Ministerial Decree no 502,(1988) Amendment of federal law no 4 (1983)Pharmaceutical profession and institution n 4 - Ministerial Decree no 90 (1993) Amendment of federal law no 6 (1986)Control of narcotic substance and the like substance n 5 - Ministerial Decree no 180 (1993) Reformation of central mental health Committee in Ministry of Health n 6 - Ministerial Decree no 1938 ( 1998) New Central Mental Health Committee
Projection of Psychiatry services By the year 2000 In collaboration with WHO Experts 1998
Targeted Populations The general population attending – The psychiatric hospitals – PHC centers – School Health clinics Special populations including:- – The elderly. – The mentally handicapped. – The juvenile delinquents. – The addicts. – The chronically mentally ill.
The role of the Ministry of Health in promoting current psychiatric departments n The Ministerial Decree N formatting The Central Mental Health Committee(CMHC) Re-formed by the Ministerial Decree N.10 (1997) n A Sub-Committee to introduce regulations, rules and by-laws for psychiatric hospitals n The Ministerial Decree N.1826 (1998) - Establishment of Central Psychiatric Register at Abu Dhabi New Psychiatry Hospital n Ministerial Decree to set up a Technical Committee to revise job description for Mental Health Personnel.
The Strategy, activities and necessary procedures * Activate the role of general practitioners in the treatment of minor psychiatric disorder in PHC centers. * Activate and reinforce the role of the central committee for mental Health * Increase the human resources of medical and paramedical Specialties. * Carry out a Continuous Medical Education program * Approval of the job descriptions for the workers in the mental health field
The Strategy, activities and necessary procedure(Continue) n Coordinate and cooperate with the various agencies for the care of special needs groups: particularly with The Ministry of labor and social Affairs The Ministry of interior The Ministry of Education The Ministry of Justice The Ministry of Information and culture
Psychiatric services and the cooperation with the Ministries of Justice and Interior n The Ministerial Decree N.1090.(1998) dealing with the by - Laws and regulations of the Drugs-Dependency Units in UAE (Federal laws N.28 (1981) and N.6 (1986) dealing with Narcotics and Narcotic - like substances) n The Ministerial Decree N.1350 (1994) to establish a Technical Committee for Psychiatric Assessment of mentally ill offenders in accordance with the Federal law N.43 (1993) for Organization the Reform Institutions. n The Ministerial Decree N.274 (1998) a Forensic Psychiatry Appeal Committee for re-evaluation of Psychiatric Medical Board Reports
The collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education in the field of Psychiatry – Set up Psychiatric o.P. clinics to examine school children in coordination with school health doctors and social workers. Also, in October 1999, a child psychiatric clinic and day center unit were opened at the New Psychiatry Hospital. n Psychiatric training course from 21Jan –2 Feb 97 according to WHO program for training general practitioners, school health doctors and nurses n Reviewing the Ministry of Education curricula dealing with medical and psychiatric topics I.e. Substance abuse……….etc n A CME course (Early Detection of Psychiatric Disorders in Children) for school psychologists, social workers and nurses working in Abu Dhabi, AL-Ain, Dubai, Sharja
Mental Health Services within the Primary Health Care Program n Conducting psychiatric training course on December 1996 for Primary Health doctors. n Conducting Psychiatric O.P. clinics at Al Rawda and Al Madina Primary Health centers n Postgraduate Training Program in ( Psychiatry in Family Medicine ) for Arab Board candidate in general practice. n Post-graduate Training Course for Arab Board in Psychiatry
Continuous Medical Education n Ministry of Health has given accreditation to Abu Dhabi Psychiatry Hospital as a training center for Arab Board examination in Psychiatry n The New Psychiatry Hospital has been committed to the training program for all Hospital personnel,including doctors, psychologists, social workers and nurses as well as organizing scientific lectures, seminars and Public Awareness Programs in the hospital. n At the request of the General Secretary of the Arab Council for Medical Specialization, The Arab Board exam in psychiatry was held at the Abu Dhabi Psychiatry Hospital form Oct.1999 with the participation of external examiners from Arab Countries,Great Britain and America.
United Arab Emirates Ministry of health Psychiatric services DR Zain Omara Consultant psychiatrist M.B; D.P.M. ( London) M.R.C. Psyche(UK) Mental Health Advisor, Director, Psychiatry Hospital Abu Dhabi