The Rhode Island Fishing Industry Current status, Recent highlights.


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Presentation transcript:

The Rhode Island Fishing Industry Current status, Recent highlights

Presentation Overview Key focal points for RI’s marine fisheries, and 4 major initiatives Snapshot of fisheries that are of major importance to RI Multi-dimensional nature of management programs governing RI’s fisheries Brief review of additional policy initiatives Principles and Policies Document

Key Focal Points for RI’s Marine Fisheries Economic Growth and Development Healthy Resources Strong and Stable Fisheries Good Science Effective Management Industry Support

Four Major Initiatives Seafood Marketing Collaborative Infrastructure Improvements, Shoreside Support Shellfish Management Plan RI Marine Fisheries Institute

An Overview of RI Marine Fisheries: A Briefing to the Senate Fisheries Task Force February 27, 2013 Department of Environmental Management Division of Fish and Wildlife Marine Fisheries Program Jamestown, RI

Commercial Fishing in Rhode Island 1,506 state and federal vessels $201 million in sales 4,968 jobs $22 million state tax revenue

Marine Recreational Fishing in Rhode Island ,000 anglers, residents and non- residents 1.4 million days fished $135 million in expenditures 2,056 jobs $15 million in state tax revenue

Multi-dimensional Management Programs - RI Marine Fisheries Federal (3-200 miles) Magnuson Act → Regional Councils & NOAA Fisheries Key FMPs (NEFMC): groundfish, monkfish, skates, dogfish, sea herring, scallops Key FMPs (MAFMC): squid/mack/butter, fluke/scup/black sea bass Interstate (0-3 miles, coastwide) ACFMA → ASMFC Key FMPs: lobster, striped bass, fluke/scup/black sea bass, tautog, menhaden, river herring, dogfish, winter flounder State (0-3 miles, RI waters) Title 20 → RIMFC → DEM

Major Programmatic and Policy Initiatives New state management program for Atlantic herring Regulatory streamlining initiative Forging alliances with the Mid-Atlantic Council, pursuing one or more RI seats on the Mid-Atlantic Council Groundfish disaster; planning for the future via Revolving Loan Fund Program Commercial Fluke Management

Major Programmatic and Policy Initiatives Oyster Restoration Initiative Aquaculture Reform Offshore Wind Energy Development Adoption of coastwide management program for menhaden Collaborating with industry on science and research projects

Major Programmatic and Policy Initiatives Developing more progressive management programs for short- lived species such as squid and butterfish Galilee Fishing Tournament Turning a scientific fish monitoring survey into a recreational fishing experience for a family in need

Principles and Policies Governing Marine Fisheries Management in Rhode Island