World War Two The Years of Axis Triumph
Nazi Europe, : Poland and the Fall of France
Blitzkrieg Germans discover how to use new technologies of tanks and planes effectively. Means: ‘Lightning war’ Luftwaffe bomb rear, trains stop the mobilization of enemy. Panzer columns punch through defense & don’t stop for anything, infantry mops up.
The Invasion Of Poland Germany invades Poland Sept 1, 1939 with forces over 1 million. USSR invades Poland from east Sept. 17, retakes territory lost in Both countries execute Polish leaders & elites. Nazi goal is to destroy the Polish people. Beginning of atrocities –evict farmers, gather Jews to ghettos, encourage murder
The Fall of France May 10, 1940 Germany strikes west. France unprepared for Blitzkrieg. France falls by June 22, world shocked. British evacuate at Dunkirk. Northern France occupied, puppet government “Vichy France” in South. Nazis force millions of Europeans into war industry as slaves
The Battle of Britain July May 1941
The Battle of Britain Hitler tried to win control of the air before attempting full- scale invasion. Begins an air assault in the summer of Incorrect belief held by both sides that bombing cities will break morale. Atrocities committed on civilians by Germany and later by Britain & U.S. 43,000 die in “Blitz”, 1 million homes gone.
The Battle of Britain RAF fights off bombers with more success. Radar new; detects enemy approach. Hitler abandons invasion in winter Britain gradually gains control of skies and begins bombing Germany. U.S. “great arsenal of democracy” supports with food, weapons, raw materials, convoys.
Nazi Invasion of Russia: The Russian Front,
The Russian Front Hitler wants conquest of eastern Europe – slaves for industrial Germany –Ukraine wheat, Caucasus oil –most violent, bloody, racist-driven battles here Allies warn Stalin of German invasion. Stalin preoccupied with own plan of conquest and Soviet expansion. Germany invades with 3 million troops along 2000 mile front on June 22, 1941.
The Russian Front By autumn within 25 miles of Moscow. Russians practice ‘scorched-earth’ policy: –Destroy own agriculture & industry in retreat Vastness of USSR works in its favour: –Shift industrial production to Siberia & Urals –Soviet economy & government still functioning USSR launches counter-offensive in winter. Germany unprepared for war in bitter winter.
The Russian Front Siege of Leningrad (pop. 3.5 million): 1 million die of starvation, coldness, drought. 20 million Soviet troops mobilized. In Russia, WWII is called the ‘Great Patriotic War’.
Dieppe: August 19, 1942 USSR desperate, begs Allies for 2 nd front. Americans eager to attack Germany. British insist Allies not ready. Prepare invasion of French coast, Dieppe. Invasion force mostly Canadians. Invasion a disaster: 4384 casualties out of 6086.
Dieppe's pebble beach and cliff immediately following the raid on August 19, A scout car has been abandoned.
Stalingrad: Soviet Victory Hitler shifts main attack to southern Russia. Strategic & symbolic city. Germans take most of city, then: –Soviets attack flanks & surround Germans –Hitler refuses to allow surrender to Slavs –Loses entire 6 th army, 1 st great disaster Turning point of European war & perhaps WWII. Germans in retreat from this point on. Soviets lose more troops at Stalingrad than U.S. does in entire war.