С чего начинается Родина?
Family My city My country For fun and profit
Who is usually the HEAD of the family? Who is usually the HEAD of the family?
My mother’s parents are my … My mother’s parents are my …
My grandfather My grandfather and grandmother and grandmother
Guess the rebus Guess the rebus and tell us what your aunt is and tell us what your aunt is
Tenn=a Tenn=a Cherry”=cher She is a teacher She is a teacher
Find 8 words («Family») Find 8 words («Family») reagranny esumtwins tdnuuncle satmpuppy idgrandpa sbrotherc
granny uncle puppygrandpa granny uncle puppygrandpa brotherdadmumaunt brotherdadmumaunt reagranny esumtwins tdnuuncle satmpuppy idgrandpa sbrotherc
Tell us as many sentences as you can Tell us as many sentences as you can
Which is Tula coat of arms ? Which is Tula coat of arms ?
Who is this man? Who is this man?
V.S.Gruzdev (the governor of Tula region)
What museum is this? What museum is this?
Tula State Museum Tula State Museum of Arms of Arms
What is Tula What is Tula famous for? famous for?
Samovars and gingerbread Samovars and gingerbread
Where can you see these sights? Where can you see these sights?
In Yasnaya Polyana
What is one of the main symbols of Russia? What is one of the main symbols of Russia?
The birch tree
What is the name What is the name of the most popular of the most popular politician in our country? politician in our country?
V.V. Putin, the president of the RF
Name the 2 nd biggest Name the 2 nd biggest Russian city, cultural capital which was founded by Peter the Great in 1703 Russian city, cultural capital which was founded by Peter the Great in 1703
Saint Petersburg
Who is the author Who is the author of such books as «War and Peace» and «Anna Karenina» of such books as «War and Peace» and «Anna Karenina»
Leo Tolstoy
Guess the rebus Guess the rebus
A parent (a father or a mother) A parent (a father or a mother)
Whom is this monument to?
The monument is to the skilled Tula craftsman LEVSHA.
Listen and guess the melody Listen and guess the melody
It’s the anthem of Tula It’s the anthem of Tula
My mother has a sister My mother has a sister Ally by name. Ally by name. Ally has a son Jerry. Ally has a son Jerry. He is a nice, funny fellow. He is a nice, funny fellow. You know, Jerry is my … You know, Jerry is my …
Jerry is my cousin Jerry is my cousin
This peninsula (полуостров) is situated between Ukraine and Russia. In March, 2014 it became a part of our country. People visit this place to have a good rest, swim and lie in the sun! What is it? This peninsula (полуостров) is situated between Ukraine and Russia. In March, 2014 it became a part of our country. People visit this place to have a good rest, swim and lie in the sun! What is it?
The Republic of Crimea
It happened in April, He was the 1 st man in space. All the Russians are proud of this person. Who is this person? It happened in April, He was the 1 st man in space. All the Russians are proud of this person. Who is this person?
U.A. Gagarin is the 1 st Russian cosmonaut
Super game
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1.Английский язык, учебник для 5 класса, «New Millennium English-5», Деревянко Н.Н. и др