MANDATE The SACE Act no.31 of 2000 mandates SACE to: 1.Set registration criteria and register all educators; 2.Ensure professional development of all educators; and 3.Uphold the ethics of the profession. NB. SACE registration is compulsory for ALL educators
CURRENT OVERVIEW The South African Council for Educators (SACE) is a professional council that has been established in terms of the SACE Act no.31 of In addition, the National Policy Framework on Teacher Education and Development (2007) mandate SACE to manage and implement the Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) system. SACE’s goals are first to regulate the teaching profession by: – developing and maintaining standards of entry into the profession; – managing a register of professionally qualified teachers; and – managing the code of professional ethics, complaints and discipline within the profession.
CURRENT OVERVIEW/cont Furthermore it develops the profession through managing and implementing the CPTD system, – identifying needs of the teaching profession, promoting teaching as a profession, – setting and monitoring standards of teacher education and development, and – advising the Ministers of Education. In realising its mandate and goals it needs to work collaboratively with the Ministry of Basic Education and other Education stakeholder in achieving government’s outcome number one – Quality Basic Education.
2012 BUDGET INCOME Registration fees Reprint of certificates Subscription fee Interest receivable Sundry income CPTD grant (non guar.)
EXPENDITURE Registration Professional Dev Publicity & Comm Code of Ethics Office rental Future accomodation /operation Reserve Admin expenses TOTAL BUDGET
A. REGISTRATION (R ) strategic objectives To register all educators To maintain and sustain the credibility of the educator data system
2012 REGISTRATION PROGRAMMES (i)Facilitating the registration of all practicing and non- practicing educators sectoral registration electronic registration (ii)Standards of Entry into the Profession review of current registration minimum standards in line with the current legislation and developments
B. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (R ) S trategic Objectives To facilitate the professional development of educators To promote and enhance the image of the profession
2012 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES (i) CPTD System To enhance the quality of the practicing educators through the management of the CPTD System Operationalisation of CPTD Information System Re-establishment of the Provider/ Endorsement Support Unit
2012 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES cont/ (ii) Educator Professional Assistance Facility To develop various strategies and processes of assisting and supporting educators with regard to professional matters and needs (iii) Induction and Professional Designation To develop programmes to improve and maintain the status and image of the teaching profession (Iv) Teacher Recruitment and Retention To promote teaching as a career of first choice
2012 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES cont/ (V) Professional Practice and Development Standards To facilitate processes of ensuring that more and better teachers join the teaching profession (V)Celebration of Teachers and the Profession To ensure that effective programmes and strategies of celebrating teachers and the profession are in place.
C. CODE OF ETHICS(R ) Strategic objectives To develop, maintain,enforce and from time to time review the Code of Professional Ethics To ensure that alleged breaches of the Code of Professional Ethics are investigated in accordance with procedures determined by council To promote the code of ethics
2012 CODE OF ETHICS PROGRAMMES (i)Standards of professional ethics To set, promote, maintain and instill good ethical values and standards among educators -review code; redistribution and advocacy campaigns (ii) Managing cases Investigation of complaints and mediation Conduct of Disciplinary hearings and Appeals
D.POLICY AND RESEARCH COORDINATION(R ) Strategic objectives To coordinate SACE policy matters and contribute to the national policy making processes and legislation To ensure that SACE engages in medium and long-term planning that is informed by sound research and information To promote and undertake research on professional matters for purposes of informing and advising the Ministers of Education, Council, and the teaching profession To promote and undertake the monitoring and evaluation of SACE programmes and strategic issues To communicate and disseminate research findings and produce publications on professional matters
2012 POLICY AND RESEARCH COORDINATION PROGRAMMES Policy Research Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Research Reports and Publications Resource Centre
2012 POLICY AND RESEARCH COORDINATION PROGRAMMES cont/ (I) Policy Matters To coordinate SACE policy matters and contribute to the national policy debates and legislation (II) Planning To ensure that SACE engages in medium and long-term planning that is informed by sound research and information
2012 POLICY AND RESEARCH COORDINATION PROGRAMMES cont (iii) Research Coordination To promote and undertake research on professional matters for purposes of informing and advising the Ministers of Education, Council, SACE Divisions, and the teaching profession (IV) Monitoring and Evaluation To promote and undertake the monitoring and evaluation of SACE programmes and strategic issues.
2012 POLICY AND RESEARCH COORDINATION PROGRAMMES cont (V) Research Reports and Publications To communicate and disseminate research findings and produce publications on professional matters. (VI) Resource Centre To conceptualize and implement the resource centre services
E.COMMUNICATION AND ADVOCACY(R ) Strategic objectives National and international relations Media relations/image building Media production and publication Website management
COMMUNICATION AND ADVOCACY PROGRAMMES (i)National and international relations Network and on-going relations with National and International stakeholders, professional Councils and other relevant organization are established (ii) Marketing /image building Restore brand credibility and build image of trust and confidence (iii)Media production and publication Production of publications – 3 informative news letters and annual report
COMMUNICATION AND ADVOCACY PROGRAMMES cont/ (iv)Website management To Update and improve the website (v)CALL CENTRE MANAGEMENT Report on inflow of calls and educator’s feedback
F. ADMINISTRATION Strategic objective Human Resource Management and Development Secretariat Services, Registry and Postal services Procurement Service Information and Communication Technology Council office accomodation Financial administration
2012 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMMES (i)Human Resource Management and Development To provide and Strengthen the management and development of the SACE human capital (ii)Secretariat Services, Registry and Postal services To Ensure effective and efficient administration systems and processes To provide transparent ;cost effective and efficient procurement services (iii)Procurement Service To provide transparent ;cost effective and efficient procurement services s
2012 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMMES cont/ (iv)Information and Communication Technology To ensure reliable; up to date and stable IT environment (v)Council office accomodation To ensure acquisition of an equitable and accessible permanent building for Sace. From the monthly levy, R2.60 per educator is reserved for the acquisition of the building in in three years time. (vi)Financial administration To ensure sound; effective and efficient Financial Administration of council
MTEF ESTIMATES INCOME Registration fees Subcription fees Reprints of certificates Interest receivable CPTD Grant Sundry income
MTEF ESTIMATES/cont OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURE Registration Professional Development Publicity & Communication Code of Ethics Research Reserve Fund Admin Expenses