The Office of Planning and Budget and The State Accounting Office Presents Balancing BudgetNet to PeopleSoft (Reconciliation) March 2007
Facilitators Bart Haberbosch Manager - Financials (SAO) Susan Banks Business Strategy (SAO)
I.Opening/Introductions Session Facilitators Why Are You Here? Tools Needed For Reconciliation Key Concepts for Basic Understanding II.Taking the Plunge for the 3-Point Reconciliations New Policy/Procedure Flow Diagram Tools Needed For Reconciliation Hands-On Session – Interactive III.Summary and Wrap Up IV.Questions Agenda
Why Are You Here? Financial Management Process and Procedures Project recognized need to develop training at the appropriate levels 2006 Audit Report Findings New policy/procedure on Reconciliation of BudgetNet to PeopleSoft To understand what is required of the agencies in order to be in compliance with procedures relative to program budgeting
Dive Deep into PeopleSoft Budgets
Tools Needed To Begin User must: Understand how the Appropriations Bill translates in PeopleSoft Understand the underlining concepts of trees and their structures Understand the various PeopleSoft Ledgers (ORG, DeptSum, Class, Revest, Allot, Program) Understand how Trees and Ledgers work together
Key Concepts for Basic Understanding Appropriations Bill Understand Trees and their Structures Ledgers Knowing the Health of Your System within the Program Budget Structures Understand Your Agency’s Business Processes
Appropriation Bill High Level Project Focus Revenue Recognition Expenditure Control Reconciliations Reporting
Fund Sources – Maps to BCM_FUND_SRC tree Program – Maps to KK_Program Tree Appropriations Bill Translated in PeopleSoft HB 1027 Even though Agency and Other Funds are shown separately in the Bill, they are mapped to Other at the FS_TYPE level
Budgetary Compliance - Fund Sources in PeopleSoft For Federal Funds (FS_CAT = FED1) –There are 16 detail items in the bill (FS_TYPE) For Other Funds (FS_CAT = OTH1) –There are 10 detail items in the bill (FS_TYPE)
Trees are key! Know your trees and tree levels BudgetNet and SAO Peoplesoft Financial Integration - Trees
Tree Chart Fund SourceAgencyAgency/SAOAgency TreeOwnerMaintainsDefinitions AccountSAO Statewide FundSAO Statewide DepartmentAgencyAgency/SAOAgency ProgramOPBSAO/OPBStatewide ProjectAgencyAgency/SAOAgency Fund SourceAgencyAgency/SAOAgency BudgetNet and SAO Peoplesoft Financial Integration - Trees ProgramOPBSAO/OPBStatewide
BudgetNet and SAO Peoplesoft Financial Integration - Trees Two trees are critical for BudgetNet to PeopleSoft reconciliations: –Program Tree –Fund Source Trees
Fund Sources – Maps to BCM_FUND_SRC tree Program – Maps to KK_Program Tree Appropriations Bill Translated in PeopleSoft HB 1027 Even though Agency and Other Funds are shown separately in the Bill, they are mapped to Other at the FS_TYPE level
Understanding PeopleSoft Ledgers
CLASS Ledger ORG Ledger DEPTSUM Ledger REVEST Ledger ALLOTMENT Ledger PROGRAM Ledger BudgetNet PeopleSoft Application Ledgers AOB/ Amendments ALLOTMENT Agency
ORG Ledger- Purpose Tracks expenses against budget at the department (ORG) level How it Works ChartfieldHow Populated Budgetary Control Account Fund Code Department Program Class Project Funding Source Budget Load (BUDJRNLX Process) Encumbrance, Expense Transactions Track PeopleSoft Ledgers
DEPTSUM Ledger- Purpose Tracks or Controls expenses against budget at the department summary level by Class How it Works ChartfieldHow Populated Budgetary Control Fund Code Department Program Class Budget Load (BUDJRNLX Process) –Similar to APPROP Ledger in 7.02 Encumbrance, Expense Transactions Track or control at Agency/Business Unit discretion Currently, most all are set as Control PeopleSoft Ledgers
CLASS Ledger- Purpose Tracks or Controls expenses against budget at the Program level by Class How it Works ChartfieldHow Populated Budgetary Control Fund Code Program Class Budget Load (BUDJRNLX Process) Encumbrance, Expense Transactions Track or control at Agency/Business Unit discretion Currently, most all are set as Track PeopleSoft Ledgers
REVEST Ledger- Purpose Tracks revenue against budget at the department level How it Works ChartfieldHow Populated Budgetary Control Account Fund Code Department Program Project Funding Source Budget Load (BUDJRNLX Process) Budget Check Revenue Transactions Track PeopleSoft Ledgers
CLASS Ledger ORG Ledger DEPTSUM Ledger REVEST Ledger ALLOTMENT Ledger PROGRAM Ledger BudgetNet PeopleSoft Application Ledgers AOB/ Amendments ALLOTMENT Approval of AOB/Amendment triggers update to Program Ledger Agency
PROGRAM Ledger- Purpose Tracks expenses against Program/Funding Source as identified in the Appropriations Act. BudgetNet interface into PeopleSoft is performed nightly Compliance with Program budgeting New Program Chartfield and Program ledger eliminate need for agencies to account for Program data in other Chartfields PeopleSoft reporting now possible at Program level OPB approved AOBs and amendments are in PeopleSoft How it Works ChartfieldHow Populated Budgetary Control Program Fund Source (FS_TYPE) BudgetNet Encumbrance, Expense Transactions Track PeopleSoft Ledgers
CLASS Ledger ORG Ledger DEPTSUM Ledger REVEST Ledger ALLOTMENT Ledger PROGRAM Ledger BudgetNet PeopleSoft Application Ledgers AOB/ Amendments ALLOTMENT Agency Warrant approval triggers update to Allotment Ledger
ALLOTMENT Ledger- Purpose Tracks expenses against Program/Funding Source as requested through the Allotment process in BudgetNet. BudgetNet interface into PeopleSoft is performed nightly. Allotment is the allocation of a portion of budget spending authority How it Works ChartfieldHow Populated Budgetary Control Program Fund Source (FS_CAT) BudgetNet Encumbrance, Expense Transactions Track Federal and Other Funds Track State Funds Control State Funds as Agencies roll onto Streamlined Banking PeopleSoft Ledgers
Trees and Ledgers Working Together See Link on SAO Website: Tree_Ledgers_Process_ xls
Maintaining the Health of the Commitment Control Module
Partial Posting of Amendments
Whenever a partial post situations occurs, ALWAYS SAO will post the remainder for you. DO NOT attempt to make any changes on any of the Journals. After we post it for you, corrections can be made by creating a new amendment with reversing entries. After Posting Budget Journals, always ensure every Budget Journal posted Post situations cause managerial to be Out of Balance
Control Budget Balances Report
Use Control Budget Balances report to identify any ledgers that are out of balance Navigate: Main Menu > Commitment Control > Control Budget Balances
Use Control Budget Balances report to identify any ledgers that are out of balance Input: Business Unit= Budget Year = 2007 Click Run
Click Ok in the Process Scheduler Request Page Use Control Budget Balances report to identify any ledgers that are out of balance
Click on the Process Monitor link Use Control Budget Balances report to identify any ledgers that are out of balance
If Run Status = Success Click Details link
Use Control Budget Balances report to identify any ledgers that are out of balance Click on the View Log/Trace link
Use Control Budget Balances report to identify any ledgers that are out of balance Click on the Trace File link to access the report
The Deptsum Ledger is not in balance with Org, Revest and Class Ledgers. Program Ledger, derived from BudgetNet, is not in balance either. (The Appropriation Ledger is no longer used, and the Allotment Ledger is always a portion of the budget, and never will be in balance with the others until year end). Contact SAO. Deptsum Ledger not in balance with Org, Revest and Class Ledgers Program Ledger not in balance
Purposes Of the Naming Convention If you do not follow the naming conventions, many of your budget reports will be incorrect –The Program Budget Comparison Summary and the Budget Comparison Report group by this naming convention, and populate the AOB column versus the Adjusted AOB column. –The Amendment Impact report also uses this naming convention to populate each of its columns. If this report is utilized it can help agency reconcile their managerial / operational ledgers to BudgetNet.
Naming Convention for the Amend ID Field Each Annual Operating Budget (AOB), Amendment, and Internal Revision will be tracked in the PeopleSoft System using the Amend ID field. Agencies must create a unique Amend ID code for each type and occurrence. Description of Convention Naming Convention ExampleComment/Notes AOB AOByyyyx AOB2007 ‘yyyy' is the full year and 'x' is the letter if needed AOB2007A AOB2007B Amendment Ayyxxx A07001 yy' is the Year and 'xxx' is the amendment number and letter if needed A07002 A07003 Internal Revision IRyyxxx IR ‘yy’ is the Year and ‘xxx’ is the revision number, followed by a letter if needed IR070002
Plunge Right In – The Waters are N-I-C-E
Three- Point Reconciliations Policy and Procedures and Flow Diagram
Policy/Procedures for Balancing BudgetNet to PeopleSoft 3 Point Reconciliation must be performed at least quarterly Suggested the reconciliations be performed after every budget event
Reconciliation Procedures –Understanding the Overall Business Process Flow of Transactions from both BudgetNet and PeopleSoft is important –The touch points on the business process flows are important to ensure where reconciliations need to be performed
3 Point Reconciliation BudgetNet and PeopleSoft Process Flow Diagram
Tools Needed For Reconciliations User must: be familiar with Excel have access to BudgetNet and PeopleSoft applications to run queries and reports, etc.
1. BudgetNet AOB/Amendments to PeopleSoft Program Ledger 2. BudgetNet Allotments to PeopleSoft Allotment Ledger 3. PeopleSoft Financial Revest Ledger to PeopleSoft Program Ledger PeopleSoft Reconciliations
1 st Point Reconciliations – BudgetNet AOB/Amendments to PeopleSoft Program Ledger Run Reconciliation Reports - PeopleSoftBudgetNet OBD10 Query using Program Ledger or Program Budget Comparison Summary Report Report AOB Amendment All Funds* Report AOB Amendments Federal and Other* * Both reports show approved amendments only Variance : Variances should only consist of amendments approved in BudgetNet during the day, that have not yet gone through the nightly interface process into PeopleSoft.
2 nd Point Reconciliation – BudgetNet Allotments to PeopleSoft Allotment Ledger Run Reconciliation Reports PeopleSoftBudgetNet OBD10 Query using Allotment Ledger Report Budget Allocation of Funds Confirmation Report for the last allotment with the status of “Final” This report shows approved warrants only Variance : Variances should only consist of allotments with warrants approved in BudgetNet during the day, that have not yet gone through the nightly interface process into PeopleSoft.
3 rd Point Reconciliation – PeopleSoft Financial Org Budgets to PeopleSoft Program Ledger Budgets Run Reconciliation Reports PeopleSoft Revest Ledger to Program Ledger Balancing Report (New- BDXXX0410 where ‘XXX’ is the Business Unit) This report displays PROGRAM_BD Ledger data along with REVEST_BD Ledger data, which is summarized to the same level as the Program Ledger. The last column calculates the variance between the two. Variance : Any variances may require running detail reports in both BudgetNet and PeopleSoft to identify potential adjusting entries.
Reconciliation Template and Formats Microsoft Word documents are listed below: –2007_ALLOT Ledger to BudgetNet Recon V1 –2007_KK Recon Revest to Program_V1 –2007_Program Ledger to BudgetNet Recon V1
Check for other available courses and sessions at the SAO website (OPB will have a link on their website directing others to the SAO website) Sign up for future training when the announcements go out Stay up to date on the project by frequently visiting the SAO web site Summary and Wrap Up