Country Actions Regional perspective Latin America and Caribbean
Most important achievements Strong movement towards results based budgeting and planning Increase the use of performance agreements and incentives Extend of Participatory approaches for resources allocation in Public Budgeting Improvement in M&E Systems based on results Strengthen information and statistics systems Initiative such as PRODEV helped to introduce MfDR in countries´ agenda There are differences among countries, however most of them are in this path.
Desired Improvements Better link between Planning and Budgeting To build reliable information systems with a close connection to strategic decisions in planning and budgeting Dissemination of best practices and tools for management for results Improve the use of M&E results in the decision making process Improve governance framework for more transparency and accountability
Requirements and Resources Harmonization of donors information and procedural requirements Champions and change agents, and the support structure to facilitate the emergence of leadership at all levels More resources for initiatives that help countries to implement MfDR process such as PRODEV Invest in integrated IT systems for MfDR Training in MfDR components such as Planning, Budgeting and M&E
Ideas and Lessons 3RT Build MfDR reforms based on other countries experiences from other regions Harmonizing the strategic development plan and the budget with the statistics to measure performance indicators Common understanding between donors and recipients about expected outcomes Enhance participatory bottom-up decision making processes based on local experiences Better horizontal and vertical linkages between MfDR components