LOGICAL FRAMEWORK STRENGTHENING INTEGRITY and ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAM 2 Ext. Implementor : SEKNAS FITRA Improved civil society involvement in controlling and bargaining position in utilization of public service budget OUTCOME 3 Indicators : -Level of involvement of Civil Society in controlling and bargaining position in utilization of public service budget (Civil Society have bargaining position in influencing budget planning with mutiparties including legislative bodies, executive media and targeted community. -Appropriateness of diversity of stakeholder group involve in local body activities Increased strategic abilities of CSOs to conduct policy advocacy in local area level OUTPUT 3.1 Indicator : -Number of CSO has trained on conducting creative policy advocacy, conducting national budget advicacy dan monitoring the Budget Planning on Monitoring Parliament Developed Budget brief APBD (focussed on 3 basic public service and responsive gender) OUTPUT 3.3 Indicator : - Existance of alternative APBD brief budget proposed by civil society applied as reference in the esthablisment of fraction’s statement by Parliament Increased visibility action / campaign taken by coalition (forum) working toward controlling budget planning acknowledged by stakeholders OUTPUT 3.2 Indicator : - Number of campaign activities or action produced by CSO and responded by Public bodies/stakeholder (media, government, parliament and public) -Effectiveness of CSO strategic in policy advocacy Technical Assistance for local CSO networks to use Software Local Budgeting Development of modules for trainings on national budget advocacy for 3 basic public services (1 batch national, 1 batch for 5 region) Training for local community groups to conduct creative public policy advocacy (1 times for 5 region) Training for local community groups to conduct national budget advocacy (APBD Analysis) Training on Monitoring Parliament Board Budget Planning (DPR) ACTIVITY Input: Resources Person; modules, facilities of training, Tracking of Meetings of CSOs and budgeting forum at National and 5 ocal areal level Lobbying fraction of local and national house of representatives and executive agencies Hearing with local and national House of Representatives Workshop to design Instrument Try out on Index Seminar on the result of publication of testing access of informatio in 5 local area Thematic workshop on issues on budgeting process on State Auditory Audit ( 1 times, 5 region + National, 30 Person) Thematic media briefing on issues on actual issues on public services ACTIVITY Input : Instrument, faciilities of event, facilitators Research on Budgeting Process Dissemination of policy paper Local and National Public Discussion on budgeting (Public Discussion and Data Collection) ACTIVITY Input : Transparancey forum, facilities of event, facilitators
LOGICAL FRAMEWORK STRENGTHENING INTEGRITY and ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAM 2 Ext. Implementor : KEMITRAAN Increased performance’s SIAP2 management in effectiveness, efficiency and accountable to conduct planning, implementation and program control inline with expected outcomes and outputs, until August 2014 OUTCOME 5 Objectives verifiable Indicators : -The progress made by project relative to its objectives -Audit Performance with limited risk with variance budget 5% -Quality of Evaluation report is acceptable by USAID Improved effective coordination among partner that support work group among partner SIAP2 Ext OUTPUT 5.1 Implemented studies to support effectiveness of advocacy strategies to strengthening civil society in influencing public service policy and budgeting and the learning process OUTPUT 5.3 Implementated quality improvement of SIAP2 Project Management OUTPUT 5.2 Objectives verifiable Indicators: -Number of routine meeting are conducted at least 15 times at National Level and 4 times at local level by August 2014 with the participation of all partners, and planning and lessons learned are incorporated into agenda -Deliberated role Kemitraan and its partner clearly and defined (arrangement responsibility for regular review, operational work planning and busgeting) Indicator : -Project Document Planning, Implementation and Controlling is documented -Report inline with standard of Partnership and USAID Reporting where success story, best practice and lesson learned is documented -Monthly Report for financial and program narrative submitted to USAID by date 9 every next month -Quarterly Report submitted to USAID by date 9 every first month of next quarter Objectives verifiable Indicators: -The existance of inputs and recommendation for strategic improvement the partnership, national partner and local partner with clear role and function of each party in supporting the effectivenes of advoacy strategies to strengthening civil society for influencing public service policy and budgeting -Number of report studies finalized and accomodated learning process Routine coordination meeting at national level in implementation of SIAP 2, once in a month with clear agenda planning and review Routine coordination meeting at distric/cities level in implementation of SIAP 2, once in every quarter with clear agenda planning and review (LSPP, ASPPUK and Seknas Fitra) Coordination Meeting ACTIVITY National Consultative Meeting in Advocacy Strategy Evaluation for Strengthening Civil Society to advocate Public Service Policy ( 1). 9 December 2013; 2). Juli 2014) Thematic Research on Integrity Behavior in national and each district/city on the intervention coverage of SIAP Mid Term Evaluation of SIAP 2 Project Extension Final Evaluation of SIAP 2 Project Extension Documentation on best practice and lesson learned of SIAP 2 ACTIVITY Planning Workshop for Finalization of Project Document ( Logical Framework, PMP) Reporting Workshop for national and local partner Workshop for Final Report Development Monitoring Visit Dissemination ACTIVITY Input: Event facilities Input : Event facilities Input : Consultant, event facilities