The Basics Rules 101 for Freshmen August 18, 2015
Website ( Any info you need about FBHS, can be found on the high school website! Check it out!! If you don’t have Internet at home – please use the Computer Labs on campus. The Student/Parent Handbook is a great resource and can be found on the FBHS web page. If you don’t have access to the internet, you can get a hardcopy of the handbook in the front office.
Big Rules Attend all your classes – be aware of the 15-day absence policy. Be on-time to class. We have a tardy policy and it is enforced. Follow the dress code. Don’t cheat or plagiarize. Be honest! Bring your planner, binder, pencil and paper to school with you every day! Keep your electronic devices out of sight and off except for break and lunch.
When in doubt…. Ask a teacher or an adult on campus if you have a question. Use common sense! Making good decisions is not rocket science.
Suspensions – don’t let this be you!! If you get suspended, you will return to an activity suspension as well. Activity suspensions prohibit you from participating in any school events outside of school hours. This includes dances, school performances, home games, and graduation. If you are an athlete, this means you will not be able to play in a game or travel with the team until your activity suspension expires. Activity Suspensions are no longer reserved for out-of-school suspensions. Use good judgement and make good choices.
What if I don’t care about the rules? You will see Mr. Triplett. First Offense: Warning/Parent Contact Second Offense: Detention/Parent Contact Third Offense: Saturday School/Parent Contact Fourth Offense: Possible School Suspension or In-House Suspension & Parent Contact Depending on the severity of the offense, the school administration will assign consequences based on school policy.
Make Good Choices The school rules are pretty easy to follow. Treat others as you would like to be treated and you will discover that FBHS is a pretty cool place. Have a great year, or not…the choice is yours!