Increased and Strengthened Results-Oriented Development Practices In Africa
Mission Results for Africa, By Africans
Mission Build African MfDR capacity through sharing experiences, networking & building strong learning relationships with MfDR practitioners in Africa & around the world.
Road to Development Effectiveness 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness 2006 Mutual Learning Events Uganda & Burkina Faso 2007 Hanoi MfDR Roundtable 2007 AfCoP Launch 2008 Accra Agenda for Action 2010 Bogota HLE on South-South Cooperation th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
MfDR Components & Actors MfDR provides a framework and practical tools for strategic planning, progress monitoring, evidence-based decision making and outcome evaluation for better development results 5 pillars of MfDR: Leadership Monitoring and Evaluation Partnership and Accountability Planning and Budgeting Statistical Capacity Key Actors: Government, Civil Society, Private Sector, Technical and Financial Partners
Phase 1 Goals Achieved 1. Establish a community to build support across Africa for MfDR 2. Provide an interactive online platform for African MfDR practitioners 3. Exchange and disseminate MfDR knowledge and good practices in Africa and beyond 4. Enhance individual MfDR capacities.
Core Management Team Knowledge Management M&E National Chapters Partnership Communication Partnership and Accountability Planning and Budgeting M&E Statistical Capacity Leadership
AfCoP Casebook on MfDR
Fifty African Results Stories
Profiling the 2,000 AfCoP Members
Synergies with MfDR initiatives MfDR Assessment CAP-Scan Implemented in five African countries with AfCoP leaders Systematic sharing of process and results with AfCoP members through online discussion and blogs Partnerships with results-oriented initiatives: Rapid Results Approach Output-Based Aid Partnership UNDP’s Senegal-based Pole for Public Financial Management
AfCoP’s Contribution to MfDR Effective MfDR Implementation Results Learning Knowledge exchange
New Strategy – AfCoP Phase II New strategy defined in January 2010 and at the Dakar meeting Creation of national communities of practice: To promote MfDR at the national level To establish linkages with national processes To shift from individual capacity building to institutional capacity building South- South knowledge sharing Cooperation with regional economic communities
Eight National CoPs Established
Results of National CoPs Training of N-CoP +2,000 members Three-year CoP plans in: Kenya, DRC, Senegal, and Niger Planned activities include: Institutionalizing the CoP Using CAP-Scan to assess MfDR capacity Helping to prepare more results-based development plans
Individual Results Enhanced knowledge and use of MfDR: Greater use of results-based approaches Decision-makers convinced of the need for MfDR Knowledge of MfDR best practices Participation in international dialogue about MfDR Use of shared knowledge on the AfCoP platform A planning specialist from Côte d’Ivoire has lobbied for results- based planning. Sierra Leone’s Director of M&E has adapted CAP-Scan to his own country context.
Country Results Zimbabwe: Use of performance contracts Launched in 2009 as part of a broad results- based national program Knowledge sharing with colleagues from Kenya and Rwanda, facilitated by AfCoP Niger: Strengthening of MfDR at the national level AfCoP supported the creation of CoP Niger and trained more than 1,000 people. AfCoP facilitated the use of CAP-Scan.
Country Results South Africa: MfDR leader MfDR is fully implemented, with a government- wide M&E system. AfCoP members benefited from the knowledge provided by the South African model. Senegal: modernization of the public service First national CoP CAP-Scan findings used for PRSP
Objectives of the Nairobi Meeting Discussion of preliminary findings of AfCoP retrospective evaluation Identify ways to make CoPs more sustainable and effective Agree on AfCoP’s future governance and strategic management Share MfDR best practices in Africa
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