Ergonomics By Britney Dunnebacke
What is Ergonomics? The term “ergonomics” is derived from two Greek words: “ergon”, meaning work and “nomoi”, meaning natural laws. Ergonomists study human capabilities in relationship to work demands.
What is Ergonomics? Ergonomics is the application of scientific information concerning objects, systems and environment for human use
Some history Ancient Greece is said to be where the foundations for this science were laid. Frederick Winslow Taylor pioneered the "Scientific Management" method, which proposed a way to find the optimum method for carrying out a given task. During World War 2, Alphonse Chapanis, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, showed that this so-called "pilot error" could be greatly reduced when more logical and differentiable controls replaced confusing designs in airplane cockpits.
Ergonomics in the workplace:
Checklist for your workspace: Place screen 18 to 30 inches from eyes. Position desk light away from the eyes and screen. Remove sources of reflective glare (paper, shiny posters). Adjust brightness and contrast controls. Ensure that screen is clean. Place top of screen at eye level (lower for bifocal wearers). Place reference materials at same height as and next to the monitor. Schedule eye examinations frequently.
Checklist continued: Take frequent recovery pauses from typing. Maintain a straight wrist position while typing. Avoid resting on your wrists while typing. Use a light touch on keys while typing. Maintain good health habits. Adjust keyboard and chair height to keep wrists straight. Don't rest wrist and forearm on a hard or sharp edge. Place mouse/trackball next to the keyboard. Use a light touch on the mouse. Keep feet on the floor or supported by a footrest. Support lower back. Use armrests, if possible, to comfortably support the arms. Adjust chair positions and postures throughout the day.
A better designed Winthrop may include:
Expanding Ergonomics Ergonomics is commonly thought of as how companies design tasks and work areas to maximize the efficiency and quality of their employees’ work. However, ergonomics comes into everything which involves people. Work systems, sports and leisure, health and safety should all embody ergonomics principles if well designed.
Examples of Ergonomics in society:
This new MRI machine eliminates anxiety, claustrophobia, and fear
Most Ergonomicists: Will have a BA or BS in Psychology, Industrial/Mechanical Engineering or Health Sciences, and usually an MA, MS or PhD in a related discipline. Many universities offer Master of Science degrees in Ergonomics, while some offer Master of Ergonomics or Master of Human Factors degrees.
The future for Ergonomics: Ergonomic design seeks for a seamless integration of human capability and the environment Simple things we can look forward to: Machines that are easily programmable Alarm clocks with no risk of turning the machine off instead of hitting snooze Even more tiny yet complex cell phones
The End.