The Biblical Foundations of Mission Missiology
The Biblical Foundations of Mission2 Aims and Objectives of this module To introduce the student to mission as a central theme of scripture as it relates to the present and coming kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is the “hinge of history”, the great commission is the culmination of Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of God. Pentecost is the climactic event which creates the church and completes the Christ event. From Pentecost onwards the mission of the church has to be viewed eschatologically as the appearing of the kingdom at Jesus’ return marks the end of the church’s mission.
The Biblical Foundations of Mission3 TASK In small groups, prepare a short presentation of FIVE major mission statements from the Bible FEEDBACK
The Biblical Foundations of Mission4 Introducing the text-book Arthur Glasser, Announcing the Kingdom, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Books, You will need to demonstrate a critical reading of this and other texts. Six book reports are required which include a brief statement of the author’s thesis and main emphases, the strengths and/ or weaknesses of the argument, and a critical application to your own understanding of mission.
The Biblical Foundations of Mission5 Mission in the Old Testament Is there such a thing? Critiquing David Bosch Transforming Mission A short response to Bosch
The Biblical Foundations of Mission6 Themes in Mission in the Old Testament The uniqueness and universality of God The purpose of God: blessing the nations The election of Israel for that purpose The interaction of Israel and the nations The ethical dimensions of Israel’s visibility The eschatological ingathering of nations
The Biblical Foundations of Mission7 Models of mission Key events Institutions Individuals
The Biblical Foundations of Mission8 Conclusion This is a short sketch but it points to a number of areas where key OT themes and central convictions of Israel’s faith and worldview have had a profound effect on the NT and Christian understanding of our mission in the world –or more accurately, our participation in God’s mission in God’s world
The Biblical Foundations of Mission9 ASSIGNMENT 1 Produce a short account (two typed pages) of the importance of Mission in the Pentateuch. Post this on your student blog.