Molinism What is it?
Molinism Craig’s Presentation on Molinism in Four Views on Divine Providence
History Named after: 16 th Century Jesuit Theologian Luis de Molina
Counterfactuals What might have happened had things gone differently Called counterfactuals as often the situations considered are contrary to what has actually happened – If John Howard had won the 2007 election then the 2013 Budget would be in surplus. – If I were rich I would buy a Mercedes. – If you were to ask her, she would say yes – If I pull out into traffic now I won’t make it
Possible Worlds The full range of options that worlds could be – e.g. God could have only created 27 people in one world These are only the way things might have been had God made things differently. They don’t all exist at once, or keep branching off
Natural Knowledge God knows what are logically possible worlds and what are logically possible choices of persons in those worlds – Square Triangle worlds are impossible – No logical impossibility in everyone accepting God – No logical impossibility in everyone rejecting God
Middle Knowledge Persons can freely choose in a given situation and hence place limits of feasibility on the worlds the God can create. God however can look at all possible worlds and create the one that he chooses.
Natural, Middle & Free Knowledge Natural: God’s knowledge of all logically possible worlds Middle : God’s knowledge of what free agents will do in any situation Free : God’s knowledge of what will happen in the world that he as chosen to create.
Human Freedom It affords God a means of choosing which world of free creatures to create – People freely choose given certain points of decision in a world. – God chooses what world is created and hence what circumstances are present at each decision point.
Uses of Molinism Christian Particularism Perseverance of the saints Biblical inspiration Infallibility Christology The fall and natural evil Evolutionary theory
Providence is different to Soteriology Calvinism and Total Depravity (TD) – Given TD there are no possible circumstances where people will freely accept salvation. – So middle knowledge worlds contain no persons who freely accept the give of salvation – Hence God can’t actualise our particular world where people are saved.