Coordinating the Delivery of Statewide Risk Management Education Programs (Annie’s Project Example) Marsha Laux, State Coordinator Iowa Annie’s Project Extension Risk Management Education National Conference April 3 - 4, 2013 The Westin Westminster, Denver, CO
Coordinator’s Priorities Ensure Quality of Program Help Promote and Reach Target Audience Positive Experience for Participants Reporting of Impacts Identify Professional Development of Facilitators/Educators Troubleshoot & Correct Problems
Annie’s Project State Coordinator Responsibilities 1.Uphold the ANNIES mission, core benefit principals, core values, and best education practices. 2.Update the national office if the state coordinator role changes to another person. 3.Maintain a roster of trained ANNIES educators in the state/region and update the national office of changes. 4.Work with the national office and people in your state to ensure all local facilitators are properly trained. 5.Keep the national office informed of all Annie’s Project Level I and Level II classes scheduled in the state; provide detailed class information to post on the national website.
Annie’s Project State Coordinator Responsibilities, cont. 6.Connect interested potential class participants with local classes, people and resources. 7.Assist local facilitators with class planning, participant recruitment, and ordering/preparing materials for classes. 8.Secure funding for Annie’s Project activities in your state/region. 9.Cooperate with national office to collect data, analyze information and report on program impacts. 10.Participate in and contribute to the value of the national network of educators, through sharing experiences, curricula and leadership with others in the network
Mapping Course Sites
Where do I start? First Steps – Identify Needs of….. Students/Learners Facilitators/Instructors Organizations (External and Internal) Management Team Evaluators Funders
Access to Information Use & promote guidance documents –Have it in writing –Easily accessible –Updated & reviewed often Templates & Best Practices –Logos of University/funders, etc. –Stress using only APPROVED formats
Training Facilitators First, must be trained in Annie’s Project methodology (Approved trainer, 1 ½ days) –Then reviewing once they actually facilitate –Help to organize timing/course planning –Promotion of course once dates & location set –Providing “just in time” assistance –Following-up at critical junctures (BEFORE common mistakes occur)
Use Outlook Calendar --- keep separate calendar for class schedules, easily accessible
Label Class Sites by # of Class Session and City Name Alphabetically
Excel Spreadsheet for Each Facilitator’s Training Call……. Saved by name with notes to call back if some confusion or lack of clarity
Critical Training Issues Roles & Responsibilities of Staff Budgeting/Funding Specifics Evaluations (pre and post), & what to do with results Vetting instructors & how to prepare instructors for Annie’s methodology Sponsorships Reporting
Documenting Successes Photos Help Tell the Story
Thank You! Contact information: Marsha A. Laux, State Coordinator Iowa Annie’s Project PH: