Policy Context: DH social care workforce strategy Anne Mercer Social Care Workforce Development
By 2036 the number of people over 85 will rise from to million – an increase of 180%. By 2025 there will be 42 percent more people in England aged over 65 The number of people with a long term condition will rise by 3 million to 18 million The numbers of people with dementia - currently 560,000 is expected to double in next 30 years The numbers of people over 50 with learning disabilities is projected to rise by 53% by 2021 Demography
1.6 million in the social care workforce (87.7% in adults services): An estimated 30,000 employers of which only 150 are local authorities locally-based mixed employment economy, highest number employed in the private sector a growing number of user-employers social workers, so far the only registered group, are 5-6% of the workforce, less than 50% of the rest have any vocational qualifications A predominantly non-unionised sector, except for Local Authorities Low paid workforce – many on, or just above, the minimum wage and paid hourly Big issues around shortages and turnover – 25% for domiciliary care workers The Sector and its Workforce
Transformation of Adult Social Care – Cross- government sign-up including NHS, DCSF, DCLG –Greater choice, control and personalisation of services –Individuals shaping the workforce in their role as commissioners –Improving quality of services –Strong leadership to drive through changes –Outcomes to be achieved by Local Authorities and the independent sector by 2011 Key Policy Putting People First
2006 – Options for Excellence - joint DCSF- DH review of social care workforce Comprehensive engagement with stakeholders and agreement on 5 strategic themes workforce recommendations for consideration by government 2006 – Raising the Status of Social Care – Review by Dame Denise Platt Accepted by Government and development of a five point plan committed to raising sectors status DH Social Care Workforce Policy History
2007 /08 – Mapping Putting People First implications for the workforce Options for Excellence and Raising the Status report used as source material for consideration Set up Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy Board to agree priorities in view of Putting People First Putting people first: working to make it happen published 23rd June - interim statement defining six strategic priorities Developing the Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy
Recruitment, Retention, Career Pathways Workforce Development Leadership, Management & Commissioning Workforce Regulation and Quality Workforce Re-modelling Joint and Integrated Working Putting People First: working to make it happen
Summer 2008 – targeted stakeholder engagement 14 engagement events with frontline, managerial and strategic workforce in independent and statutory sectors and with people using services 12-week engagement period for stakeholders to input on interim statement and strategy plans Considerable amount of detailed and comprehensive feedback– a new evidence base to develop policy Stakeholder Engagement
Analysing responses from stakeholders Review of delivery organisations Joint priority review of SW education with DCSF National Skills Academy agreed Oct 08 Strategic policy direction Publication of strategy in spring Where next?