Social dialogue in the era of austerity1 Social dialogue: a Czech report Zuzana Dvorakova
Methodology and sources Public statistics – Czech Statistical Office: Labour Statistics – MLSA: Information system on working conditions – CMKOS: system of monitoring enterprise collective agreements Nation-wide workshop (13 June 2012) Individual interviews – 9 in July and August – 3 planned in October Questionnaire survey in municipal authorities (July 2012) Social dialogue in the era of austerity2
Trade unions Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions (CMKOS) – – Unites 30 sectoral TUs A member of tripartite No national agreement (since 1993) Low TU density in the CR Long-term and rather negative attitudes of citizens to TUs Social dialogue in the era of austerity3
Trade unions in analysed sectors Trade unions of State Authorities and Organizations (OS SOO) Trade union of the Health Service and Social Care of the CR (OSZSP) – dominant In times of austerity - mutual coordination and cooperation Critics of Goverment measures and own suggestions via CMKOS Social dialogue in the era of austerity4
Social dialogue in the era of austerity5 Employers associations Several associations in both sectors -in PA two dominant No association is involved in collective bargaining on a sectoral level Collective agreements only on enterprise levels
Social dialogue in the era of austerity6 Municipal authorities Working and wage condition - Labour Code + Act on officials of territorial self-governing units Reform of the pay system from Reduction of salaries by 10 % Implementation of elements of a contractual system in compensation Up to 2011 bargaining focused mainly on benefits financed from social funds
Questionnaire results Distribution of questionnaires 498 questionnaires valid (11,7 %) Low density in municipalities – 6 % of respondents – TU members – 72,5 % - no TUs in municipal authority Negative attitudes to TU Job satisfaction – regardless of TU existence on workplace (municipal authorities) and concluded collective agreements Social dialogue in the era of austerity7
Health care sector Health care facilities – 98 % private Predominantly financed from general health insurance No radical reform of the sector Industrial actions (strike, strike alerts) Wages in private facilities lower than in hospitals owned by public institutions Social dialogue in the era of austerity8
A preliminary Czech conclusion Cuts are normally imposed than agreed with unions Mechanisms to cut pay budget decided centrally Cuts in PA linked to the pay system reform Attempts to broaden wage gaps between higher and lower paid employees (based on merit pay, performance appraisal and individual contracts) Social dialogue in the era of austerity9