Artist Research
Demay Artist Profile: I'm Demay, a 25 year old UK Hip Hop artist from West Hertfordshire, just outside of North London. Here is a small selection of tracks from my library. If you like what you hear, feel free to leave some feedback. - Websites My new album is currently available, for a limited time, as a free, pre release, download.... Demay - Back to the future (2010) - LIMITED FREE DOWNLOAD - Songs: Make that change, Not my kind of girl
Solo Artist Profile: Born in 1981 in France, growing up in an "unrich" context, quite low in the social ladder, with foreigner parents, this young boy was quickly attracted by the Urban culture that was born just a few years before him: Hip-hop culture. Feeling more than comfortable in this atmosphere in which there was no room for those differences that he sometimes felt, such as racism, inequality, etc..., he became part of the Hip-hop movement by learning Break dancing and Beat boxing. Then, in the middle of his teenage, he discovered SOUL MUSIC, and found in it a sensitivity that was completely new for him, and naturally, it was the beginning of a great Love Story. This sensitivity that characterised him was soon mixed to some kind of strength and aggressively when he discovered the "Noble Art" of Boxing. An explosive mix that you can feel throughout his voice, and the way he transcribes his emotions in his music. Contact: Songs: Mi Latina, Intimacy, Apologise.
Alex Blaide Artist Profile: I have been producing music for over 5 years. I Live to write and create. Over the past years I have written and produced many different styles of tracks from pop to electro to dance to R&B to Dub step. Creating music whether it's for myself or for other artists is my life. I have generated a large amount of fans over the course of the years located all over the world who are interested in my music. My artist site is which showcases a selection of some of my more popular tracks. I also write and produce for other artists all over the world from the US to Ireland to Australia.
Vigilante Artist Profile: Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B From: Slough, United Kingdom Vigilante is now in a potent position to break into the main stream with his unique style which mixes different genres. His diverse background has taught him many lessons which he wants to use to strive forward and, in doing so, deliver a positive message to his generation. A talented individual, he writes all of his own material and often for the artists he collaborates with. He is currently working on his EP which embraces all genres and dissipates cultural boundaries. Vigilante has worked with Jag Soul singer who is now touring the UK and Europe on the Thriller Live tour ( and Char who is an unsigned female vocalist and also performs on the track ‘Get Away’ which has been well received wherever it has been distributed. Web site: Web site: Web site:
4 Fingaz Artist Profile: My name is Mustafa Baba Tunde Shiyanbola, I am a brother, a friend, a cousin, a son and an artist. I believe as humans we are in charge of our destiny and the choice to steer it in the right or wrong direction is our personal choice regardless of peer pressure or other influences. I started singing and making noise (rapping) as my mum calls it at the age of 7. Music was always played in the house, Bob Marley especially and also African music which allowed me to develop my musical ability. About my music, I started singing in churches for just a hobby when I was young but when it came to rapping I took this very seriously because all my friends were into it and I was quite good. As a family, we moved to France when I was 11 years old, within months I learnt to speak French fluently and I believe that added an extra dimension to my musical growth which gave me a different insight to music and language in general. When I was 15 my family and I moved back to England which is when I decided to take up rapping seriously. I remember days on which I would practice and my mother would beg and shout at me to come and eat but all I was interested in was perfecting my art.