About the Course This introductory course in computer programming uses the C Language. The student will acquire the knowledge about the basic computer concepts, algorithm, problem-solving techniques, and structured programming. They will also be exposed to the C programming language commands, syntax and functions in text based environment. They will learn to define, solve, code, enter, test and document programming problems using the C language.
Course Objectives Upon completing this course, students should be able to: Prepare programs using top-down structured design. Perform problem solving skills. Understand the basic syntax and concepts of C programming language. Design, create, test and debug C programs. Developed programs that are both syntactically and logically correct.
Course Lecturer Masyura Ahmad Faudzi Room number: BW-4-C40 Phone number: Website: Please make sure that you check my website as often as possible for assignments, exercises, announcements, tips, etc.
Lab Instructor Mohana Shanmugam Room number: BW-4-C48 Phone number: Website: Ayad M. Turky Room number: Research Assistant Room, COIT
Textbooks Main textbook: Hanly Koffman – Problem Solving & Program Design in C – Addison Wesley 5th Edition Other references: H.H. Tan, T.B. D’Orazio – C Programming for Engineering & Computer Science, McGraw-Hill Yuksel Uckan.: Problem Solving Using C – Structured Programming Techniques, Irwin, 1999.
Assessment Full marks (%) Quiz15 Labworks20 Mid-Semester Exam (29/8/08)25 Final Exam40 Total100
Course Content Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer and Programming (Week 1, 7/7/08) Computer hardware components Computer software components – operating systems, compiler, interpreter, editor, application Programming languages – machine language, assembly, high level programming language, C language C programming environment Steps for creating, compiling and executing a C program Sample C program
Course Content Chapter 2: Problem Solving (Week 2, 14/7/08) Software development method Specification of needs Problem analysis Design and algorithm representation – flowchart, pseudocode Implementation Testing and verification Program documentation
Course Content Chapter 3: Fundamentals of C Programming Language & Input / Output (Week 3, 21/7/08) A simple program example C character set and tokens – reserved words, identifiers, constants, string literals, punctuators, operators C program structure - comments, preprocessor directives, data types and type declarations, named constants, statements, compound statements Standard Input-Output functions in C
Course Content Chapter 4: Basic C operators (Week 4, 28/7/08) Arithmetic operators Assignment operators Equalities and relational operators Logical operators Conditional operators Chapter 5: Structured Programming (Week 5, 4/8/08) Selection structure – if, if…else, nested if, switch Repetition structure – while, do…while, for loop
Course Content Chapter 6: Functions & Simple Recursion (Week 8, 25/8/08) Standard functions User defined functions – function prototype, function definition, function call and return Local and global variables Storage classes Simple recursion
Course Content Chapter 7: Pointers (Week 10, 8/9/08) Concept of pointers Pointer declaration and control Pointer operator (& and *) Parameter passing by pointers Chapter 8: Arrays (Week 11, 15/9/08) Concept of arrays – why, how, advantages Array declaration and initialization Operation on arrays – simple sorting and searching Passing arrays to functions Multidimensional arrays
Course Content Chapter 9: User Defined Data Types (Week 12, 22/9/08) Structures declaration, structure variables declaration Nested structures Referencing structure members Initializing structure variables Operations on structure variables Structures as function parameters Using typedef to facilitate program Enumeration
Course Content Chapter 10: Character and Strings (Week 13, 29/9/08) ASCII character set Fundamentals of the processing of strings Data representation, character set Character handling library String handling library String conversion functions
Course Content Chapter 11: Data Files and File Processing (Week 14, 6/10/08) Basic of files and file operators Writing to a file and reading from a file End-Of-File Rewind File mode
Class Policy Attendance Attendance for lecture is compulsory. Attendance for less than 80% of the lectures will result in students being barred from taking the Final Exam. If you are absent from the lecture due to ▪ Sickness – MC is required ▪ Emergency – letter from guardian is required You need to submit your MC or letter from guardian, within 48 hours from the time you are absent
Class Policy Assessment No make up quiz will be given for whatever reason. Pop-quizzes will be given at whatever time, which deemed appropriate by the lecturer. Make-up for Mid Term will only be given due to STRONG VALID reason. Late submission of assignments will not be accepted unless with STRONG VALID reasons, which should be explained to the lecturer in 24 hours time. However, there will still be deduction of 20% from the awarded marks.
Class Policy Dress in proper attire corresponding to Universiti Tenaga Nasional dress code. Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be penalized accordingly.
Lecture Notes A copy of the lecture slides will be made available to you at the web folder. Please download the latest versions because they are frequently updated. You are advised to keep a printed copy of the slides at hand in case of multimedia equipment failure during class. Contents of lectures are based on the textbook, recommended text and supplementary material. Please read the textbook and any supplementary material on the subject you can find
Lab (ONE) Lab session per week In the lab you will learn concepts pertaining to problem solving, how to program using C and good programming style There will be assignments to test what you have learned in the lab. A practical approach to what is taught during lectures will also be covered in the labs. Don’t miss any unless you wish to be at a disadvantage.