PLANT TRANSPORT LECTURE Plants need a way to transport materials through their bodies, too. Vascular tissue – cells used by plant to transport nutrients and water.
Types of Vascular Tissue XYLEM – Dead cells that form “pipes” to carry water from roots through leaves. PHLOEM – Tubes made from living cells to transport food; phloem = food
Types of Vascular Tissue XYLEM – Only carries UP PHLOEM – Carries food in all directions (UP and DOWN)
MONOCOTS Definition – Have only one cotyledon (embryo leaf). Example – Corn, grass, tulips.
MONOCOTS Stem pattern – Scattered xylem and phloem. LARGE CELLS ARE XYLEM SMALL CELLS ARE PHLOEM
MONOCOTS Root pattern – fibrous
MONOCOTS Root pattern (xylem and phloem) – ring
MONOCOTS Leaf pattern – veins are parallel
MONOCOTS Flower pattern – parts are in multiple of 3’s.
DICOTS Definition – Have two cotyledons (embryo leaves). Example – Trees, beans, carrots.
DICOTS Stem pattern – Ring- shaped xylem and phloem. LARGE CELLS ARE XYLEM SMALL CELLS ON OUTSIDE ARE PHLOEM
DICOTS Root pattern – taproot
DICOTS Root pattern (xylem and phloem) – X-shape
DICOTS Leaf pattern – veins are branched.
DICOTS Flower pattern – parts are in multiples of 4’s or 5’s.
GIRDLING Definition – Removing bark from a tree; fluid leaks out. Why is fluid sweet? Cutting phloem that transports sap (food). End result – Tree dies.
HOW DOES XYLEM WORK? Successive Osmosis – Water flows high to low Soil root hairs epidermis cortex xylem
HOW DOES XYLEM WORK? Cohesion of water molecules – Water is “sticky”
HOW DOES XYLEM WORK? Transpiration – Leaves “sweat” water which pulls water up xylem tube. More than 90% of water absorbed is lost by leaves. Ex. Tomato plant loses 25 gallons of water per season; corn plant loses 51 gallons.
HOW DOES XYLEM WORK? Turgor presure – Weight of soil pushes down on roots and squeezes water up.
Monocot or Dicot? DicotMonocot
Monocot or Dicot? Dicot
DICOT ROOT 1 - Epidermis 2 - Cortex Where would root hairs be? How would you know where the starch is?