Proliferation weapons of mass destruction © 2014 Proliferation weapons of mass destruction
© 2014 Vocabulary Proliferation: rapid increase in the number or amount of something. Fissionable: (of an atom or element) able to undergo nuclear fission. Trafficking: deal or trade in something illegal. Dissemination: the act of spreading something, especially information, widely; circulation. Secretariat: a permanent administrative office or department, especially a governmental one. Coalitions: a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.
Proliferation weapons of mass destruction © 2014 Proliferation weapons Nuclear proliferation is the spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States" by the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also known as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty or NPT. Leading experts on nuclear proliferation, such as Etel Solingen of the University of California, Irvine, suggest that states' decisions to build nuclear weapons is largely determined by the interests of their governing domestic coalitions.
Proliferation weapons of mass destruction © 2014 Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and especially nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and their means of delivery (medium- and long-range missiles, cruise missiles and UAV) are a growing cause for concern. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, in conjunction with the dissemination of dual-use technology and knowledge, increases the risk of such weapons being used by States or falling into the hands of terrorist groups which could threaten the EU, directly or indirectly, including its broader interests (expatriate communities and economic interests).
Proliferation weapons of mass destruction © 2014 The EU's strategy implementation plan is based on an action plan which will be subject to regular revision. It is based on four priorities: First priority: resolute action against proliferators: universalisation and, when necessary, strengthening of the main treaties, agreements and verification arrangements; fostering the role of the UN Security Council; enhancing political, financial and technical support to verification regimes; strengthening export control policies and practices; enhancing the security of proliferation-sensitive materials, equipment and expertise in the European Union against unauthorised access; strengthening identification, control and interception of illegal trafficking.
Proliferation weapons of mass destruction © 2014 Second priority: a stable international and regional environment: reinforcing EU cooperative programmes with other countries, targeted at support for disarmament, control and security of sensitive materials, facilities and expertise; integrating the WMD non-proliferation concerns into the EU's other activities and policies to increase their effectiveness.
Proliferation weapons of mass destruction © 2014 Third priority: cooperating closely with the United States and other key partners. Fourth priority: developing the necessary structures within the Union: setting up a monitoring centre at the Council Secretariat entrusted with the monitoring of the consistent implementation of the EU strategy. Since 2004 a six-monthly progress report has been presented to the Council of the EU for approval.
Proliferation weapons of mass destruction © 2014
Proliferation weapons of mass destruction © 2014 Conversation 1) What did you understand from this presentation? 2) What is your opinion about Proliferation weapons ? 3) How is this harmful? 4) How will you conclude this topic?