Review of San Diego GigaPoP Meetings  Denver  12 June 1997  Denver  12 June 1997.


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Presentation transcript:

Review of San Diego GigaPoP Meetings  Denver  12 June 1997  Denver  12 June 1997

Meeting Structure  GigaPoP Technical: Tuesday  GigaPoP Business: Wednesday  Both focused on issues common to all the gigaPoPs  Common theme: similar problems and a diversity of solutions

Technical Meeting: Session 1  Welcomes  Overview: 1997 vs 1998  Outline of 1997 Engineering  Technical Challenges

Applications and Engineering Applications Engineering MotivateEnables

Strategic Objectives  Enable advanced applications  Strengthen the Universities in their research and education mission  Pioneer the introduction of:  Quality of Service  Advanced Multicast Support  IPv6  Establish the gigaPoPs as effective service points

1997 Aspirations  High-speed uncongested best-efforts IPv4 service  T3 and OC3 rates will be typical  OC12 to some sites  About 12 vBNS connect points  About 45 universities connected  Importance of measurements

1998 Aspirations  Growing number of gigaPoPs  Growing number of institutions connected  Introduction of Quality of Service Support  Advanced Multicast Support  Introduction of IPv6 Support

Examples of Emerging GigaPoPs  ATL: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee  BOS: New England  CLE: Ohio  DCA: DC, Maryland, Virginia  DEN: Westnet states  DTW: Michigan  HOU: Texas  LAX: Southern California  NYC: Metro NYC area  ORD: Chicago region  PDX: Oregon  PIT: Western Pennsylvania  RDU: North Carolina  SEA: Alaska, Washington  SFO: Northern California  SYR: Upstate New York

Sketch of Internet2 Architecture Interconnect gigaPoP u u u u u u u u Interconnect: connects all the gigaPoPs to each other GigaPoPs: connect universities to the Interconnect and to other services Universities: upgrade their LANs to more than 500 Mb/s

Generic Internet2 GigaPoP u u u u I2 other NGI Commodity Providers

Fundamental 1997 Architecture  Upgraded campus nets  High-speed access to gigaPoPs  Effective gigaPoPs  vBNS as the initial Interconnect

BalanceBalance  Give users the appearance of a seamless Internet2  Exploit diversity on matters that do not need to be the same

Overview of 1997 Engineering  vBNS to gigaPoP  gigaPoP to gigaPoP  gigaPoP to campus  workstation to campus

vBNS as the initial Interconnect  Core: Vector ATM switches in 8 MCI PoPs  OC12 being provisioned among them  Access: FORE ATM switches in 10 sites  Full PVP mesh among the FORE switches  Routers: Cisco 7500 and Ascend  UBR ATM used throughout  New connections engineered to the Cisco routers

vBNS to gigaPoP Issues  IPv4 as the Common Bearer Service  BGP routing between Internet2 and vBNS  vBNS as gigaPoP-to-gigaPoP Interconnect  non-Internet2 sites accessible via the vBNS  Measurement issues

gigaPoP to gigaPoP Issues  Network Management  Multicast Deployment  Security  non-Internet2 issues

gigaPoP to campus Issues  Access  Routing issues  Measurement issues

workstation to campus Issues  Measurement issues

Technical Challenges  Delay-bandwidth products  Intolerance of Delay  Intolerance of Packet Loss  End-to-end nature of performance  Seamlessness

Technical Meeting: Session 2  Issues for our Coordination  Routing  Measurement  Multicast  Network Management  Security  Issues to be raised at the Business Meeting

Routing Issues  Appropriate routing  I2 to I2 packets  I2 to/from other ‘community of interest’ sites  Impact on performance / network management  Small routing tables should help  Flapping should be easy to keep small

Measurement Issues  Traffic Utilization  campus to gigaPoP  gigaPoP to gigaPoP  Performance  campus to gigaPoP  gigaPoP to gigaPoP  Flow Characterization  at campus DMZ  at gigaPoP to Interconnect DMZ

Multicast Issues  Scalability  Performance  Routing / management

Network Management Issues  Campus to campus seamlessness  Shared trouble tickets

Security Issues  Privacy  Corruption of the infrastructure  Corruption of user traffic  Tension with measurement  Tension with performance

Technical Meeting: Session 3  Roundtable discussion…  What approaches are being taken to..  Co-lo based gigaPoPs  ATM-cloud-based gigaPoPs  SONET-based gigaPoPs

What approaches...…  Placement of servers within gigaPoPs  web caches  usenet  others  MBone

What approaches...…  Router peering  gigaPoP router peers with vBNS  gigaPoP route server constrains how campus routers peer with vBNS  Aggregating/disaggregating of traffic

What approaches...  Traffic utilization measurement  NetScarf  others

What approaches...  Traffic characterization  OC3mon  netflow / cflowd  netchar  others

What approaches...  Performance  CSG infrastructure  NPD and successors  active vs passive  within applications  others

Technical Meeting: Session 4  Overview of 1998 Engineering Issues  Quality of Service  Multicast improvements  IPv6  Interconnection with Agency NGI Components  Formation of Working Groups

1998 Overview: Quality of Service  What are the needs each application has?  Bandwidth  Packet loss  Delay and Jitter  At the core, are these known on a per-flow basis?  How near to complete end-to-end extent is possible?

QoS Issues (continued)  Suppose you do nothing:  load due to best-efforts traffic among I2 members  OC12 capacity within the core  Suppose you reserve some capacity for advanced applications on certain gigaPoP to gigaPoP paths:  you can then support a certain number of advanced applications  capacity and packet loss can be assured  delay can be improved with ‘weighted fair queuing’

QoS Issues (continued)  Issues at the edge  Admission control  Measurement (billing?)  Marking of packets  Issues at the core  Provision of resources to marked packets  Low packet loss in presence of very high delay- bandwidth products

1998 Overview: Multicast  Current MBone community is small  Many advanced applications are naturally multicast  one to many (e.g., distance education)  few to few (e.g., graduate seminars or conferences)  Internet2 technical community has much of the Internet’s experience in these matters  Scaling is hard:  Optimize for transmission lines?  Optimize for packet forwarding?

1998 Overview: IPv6  Initially this will appear to be an end in itself  We hope/expect that it will become an aid to solving other problems  Products will be available beginning 1997

Interconnection with other Agency NGI Components  Clarity of purpose  Notion of Internet2 ‘community of interest’  Technical criteria  Note similarity to international interconnection issues

Formation of Internet2 Working Groups  Routing  Measurement  Network Management  Security  Topology  Quality of Service  Multicast  IPv6

Business Meeting  Discussion of AUP  Business Issues of Common Interest

Discussion of AUP  Note that Internet2 introduces no new connectivity  Strict view: only I2 to I2  relaxed to deal with inter-agency and international connections  All I2 to I2 traffic will be supported

Business Issues of Common Interest  How to deliver a service:  cooperative  staff of gigapops  outsource  Kinds of services  SONET, ATM, etc.  IP engineering  NOC services