Urinary System Lecture 7
Anatomy Kidneys = bean-shaped organs, located on each side of the spinal column, removal of waste from the blood. Nephron = microscopic located in the kidney, urine producing. Glomerulus = process begins here, clusters of capillaries at the entrance of the nephron Renal pelvis = funnel shaped reservoir & passes it to the urter. Hilum = indentation in kidney, ureter leaves. Ureters = tubes, carry urine to the bladder.
Anatomy Urinary bladder = hollow organ that temporarily holds the urine. Urethra = tube, from bladder to the outside of the body, longer in the male. Urinary meatus = opening through which the urine passes to the outside. Urine = pale yellow liquid waste product, 95% water and 5% nitrogenous waste.
Word Parts Cyst/o vesic/o = bladder, sac. Glomerul/o = Glomerulus. Meat/o = meatus (opening). Nephr/o ren/o = kidney. Pyel/o = kidney. Ureter/o = ureter. Urethr/o = urethra. Albumin/o = albumin Azot/o = urea, nitrogen
Combining Forms Blast/o = developing cell. Glyc/o = sugar. Hydr/o = water. Lith/o = stone, calculus. Noct/i = night. Olig/o = scanty, few. Son/o = sound. Tom/o = cut, section. Urin/o = urine. Ven/o = vein.
Suffixes -iasis esis = condition -lysis = loosening, dissolution, separating -megaly = enlargement -orrhaphy = suturing, repairing -ptosis = drooping, sagging, prolapse -tripsy = surgical crushing -uria = urine, urination -trophy = nourishment, development
Disease & Disorder Terms I Cystitis = inflammation of the bladder. Cystocele = protrusion of the bladder. Cystolith = stone in the bladder. Hydronephrosis = abnormal condition of water in the kidney, from an obstruction. Nephroblastoma = kidney tumor, developing cell, (Wilms’ tumor). Nephrolithiasis = stones in the kidney. Nephroma = tumor of the kidney. Nephromegaly = enlargement of the kidney.
Disease & Disorder Terms II Nephroptosis = drooping kidney. Pyelitis = inflammation of the renal pelvis. Uremia = urine in the blood, toxic condition. Ureterocele = protrusion of a ureter. Ureterostenosis = narrowing of the ureter. Urethrocystitis = inflammation of the urethra and the bladder. Polycystic kidney = kidney contains many cysts and is enlarged. Renal calculi = stones in the kidney.
Disease & Disorder Terms III Renal hypertension = elevated blood pressure, resulting from kidney disease. Urinary retention = accumulation of urine in the bladder. Inability to urinate. Urinary suppression = sudden stoppage of urine formation. Urinary tract infection (UTI) = infection of one or more of the urinary tract.
Surgical Terms I Cystectomy = excision of the bladder. Cystolithotomy = incision of the bladder to remove a stone. Cystoplasty = surgical repair of the bladder. Cystostomy = creating an artificial opening into the bladder. Lithotripsy = surgical crushing of a stone. Nephrectomy = excision of a kidney.
Surgical Terms II Pyelolithotomy = incision of the renal pelvis to remove a stone. Ureterectomy = excision of a ureter. Urethroplasty = surgical repair of the urethra. Urethrotomy = incision in the urethra. Fulguration = destruction of living tissue with an electric spark, to remove growths. Renal transplant = implantation of a donor kidney. Lithotrite = instrument used to crush a stone.
Procedural Terms KUB = an x-ray of the abdomen, kindey, ureter & bladder. BUN = measure the amount of urea in the blood. Determines kidney function. Increase indicates renal dysfunction. Specific gravity = test on urine specimen to measure the concentration or diluting ability of the kidneys. Urinalysis (UA) = multiple routine test done on a urine specimen.
Complementary Terms I Albuminuria = albumin in the urine, indicates kidney problems. Anuria = absence of urine. Dysuria = difficulty of painful urination. Glycosuria - sugar (glucose) in the urine. Hematuria = blood in the urine. Nocturia = night urination. Oliguria = scanty urination. Polyuria = excessive urine.
Complementary Terms II Pyuria = pus in the urine. Urologist = physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the urinary system. Urology = study of the urinary system. The reproductive system of the male. Catheter = flexible, tube-like device for withdrawing or instilling fluids. Distended = stretched out. Diuretic = agent that increases the amount of urine.
Complementary Terms III Enuresis = involuntary urination (bed wetting). Hemodialysis = procedure of removing impurities from the blood, because kidney can’t. Incontinence = inability to control the bladder and/or bowels. Micturate = to urinate of void. Stricture = abnormal narrowing, urethral stricture. Void = to empty or evacuate waste material.
Abbreviations BUN = blood urea nitrogen cath = catheterization HD = hemodialysis KUB = kidney, ureter, and bladder SG = specific gravity UA = urinalysis UTI = urinary tract infection