DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display 10/17/01 LTO Group Meeting Agenda: Summary of Themes, Physical Configuration and Features Discussion of Criteria Used to Evaluate Themes Project Planning
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Three Themes: 1.Exploratorium Theme 2.Evolution of Light Theme 3.Green Technology and 21 st Century Hybrid Theme Five Conceptual Designs: 1.Full Size Torchiere Lamps Standing Display with Analog Test Rig 2.Full Size Torchiere Lamps with Digital Test Rig 3.Half Size Torchiere Lamps on Table Top Display with Analog Test Rig 4.Half Size Torchiere Lamps on Table Top Display with Digital Test Rig 5.Miniature Lamps with Analog Test Rig
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Torchiere Physical Configuration Options Table Top Display - small torchieres on table top display (and/or Berkeley lamp) Standing Display - full size torchieres
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Test Rig and Scientific Display Options GUI (graphical user interface) Analog Gages Digital Gages Simulation (movie or virtual reality) Static Display
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Interactive & Educational Options Game VR (virtual reality) Buttons to run GUI Dials to adjust lighting automated presentation
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Marketing Communications Media Options Brochures Posters Give Aways, I.e. toys
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Transportation Options Lightweight material Robust material Wheels Folding Dispay One person to set-up More than one person to set-up
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Methods for Physical Configuration Options from DW Brainstorming Session Miniature lamps and miniature appliances - instrumentation shows power consumption for each Table top lamps with curtains around sides and top Table top lamp with peep show Full size lamp inside phone booth display
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Methods for Test Rig Options from DW Brainstorming Session Software controls the lamp adjustments Software measures the outputs from the lamps Software controls and measures lamp outputs Movie Simulation VR Simulation Analog box with inputs from the test specimen and display gages showing power, watts, and temp Compare two bulbs in interchangeable fixture Three buttons: power, temp, light - each button sets the test specimens equal for one condition - the quality of the other features is demonstrated
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Methods for Interactive and Educational Options from DW Brainstorming Session Hand-Outs Demonstrate color of light Simulate light difference with a different sense Show difference by feeling heat difference Different output communication of power/light/temp Video game style step into semi-enclosure VR demonstration Always leave display on Power budget game Touch screen user interface
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Methods for Marketing Communications Media Options Instruction posters Evolution of technology theme and message Take away goodies
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Themes Theme 1: Exploratorium Theme - Interactive and Fun Theme 2: Evolution of Light Theme - Starts with Thomas Edison and Ends with Berkeley Energy Efficient Lights Theme 3: Green Tech and 21st Century Technology Hybrid Theme
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Display Concepts Concept 1: Full Size Torchiere Lamps Standing Display with Analog Test Rig Concept 2: Full Size Torchiere Lamps with Digital Test Rig Concept 3: Half Size Torchiere Lamps on Table Top Display with Analog Test Rig Concept 4: Half Size Torchiere Lamps on Table Top Display with Digital Test Rig Concept 5: Miniature Lamps with Analog Test Rig
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display Audience Concept Criteria
DesignWorks Lighting Technology Outreach LTO Display