Spanish Scenes Mrs. Gover and Mrs. Roney’s First Grade Classes Toliver Elementary Let’s Practice Spanish “Practiquemos espaňol”
Ladder I will sit on the blue tunnel. SlideWood chips Pole Next Picture
I will sit on the blue tunnel.Me siento en el tunel azul. Back
Pole Barra Back
Ladder Escalera Back
Wood chips Astillas de madera Back
Slide Tobogan Back
Stethoscope Nurse I will give you a shot. The doctor helps the patient. Next Picture
I will give you a shot. Pondre una inyeccion. Back
Stethoscope Estetocopia Back
The doctor helps us. El doctor has aljuda. Back
Nurse Enfermera Back
I use a towel. A toothbrush cleans teeth. Hairbrush Shower Soap Robe Next Picture
Shower Ducha Back
SoapJabon Back
Hairbrush Cepillo de pelo Back
RobeBata Back
I use a towel. Uso una toalla. Back
A toothbrush cleans teeth. Un cepillo de dientes limpia los dientes. Back
I drink milk. Lunch tray Large spoon White apron Next Picture
White apron Delantal blanco Back
Large spoon Cuchara grande Back
Lunch trayBandeja de almuerzo Back
I drink milk. Bebo la lecha. Back
The zookeeper has keys. This is an alligator. A monkey Red bird Next Picture
Red bird Ave roja Back
A monkey Un mono Back
This is an alligator. Este es un caiman. Back
I have keys. Tengo las llaves. Back
Emma Hannah Caroline Jaden ZacharyKJ Brianna Carly DeAndre’ Back to Opening Slide Practiquemos espaňol Toliver STLP Team
Emma Back
DeAndre’ Back
Brianna Back
KJ Back
Zachary Back
Carly Back
Jaden Back
Caroline Back
Hannah Back