Transport/Circulatory System A. Purpose Delivers O 2 to cells in exchange for CO 2 Transports nutrients,hormones, gases & wastes Aids in fighting disease B. Why? Oxygen is needed to release energy (ATP) C. How? Through a pumping mechanism used by heart
D. Pathway of Blood - 2 part closed circulatory system 1.Pulmonary Circulation (Right Side of ) Takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs & returns oxygenated blood back to heart 2. Systemic Circulation (Left side of ) Provides oxygenated blood to rest of body
Evolution of circulatory system fishamphibianreptilesbirds & mammals AA V V VV V AAAA A V 2 chamber3 chamber 4 chamber Not everyone has a 4-chambered heart
F. Structure of the Heart – 4 chambered Right side carries O 2 poor (deoxygenated) blood to lungs Left side carries O 2 rich (oxygenated) blood to the rest of the body Analogous to cytoplasm of one celled organisms A = aorta – largest artery B = pulmonary arteries (deoxygenated blood) C = pulmonary veins (oxygenated blood) D = left atrium upper chamber (thin) E = valve –prevent backflow F = left ventricle lower chamber (thick) G = right ventricle H = valve I = vena cavae J = right atrium (areas shaded red have oxygenated blood while those shaded blue have deoxygenated blood) Right side Left side
Diagram of Heart and Blood Flow
Section 37-1 Figure 37-5 The Three Types of Blood Vessels Capillary Connective tissue Smooth muscle Endothelium Valve Venule Endothelium Arteriole Vein Artery BLOOD VESSELS
G. Blood Vessels 1)Arteries: Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart; high pressure 2) Veins: Carry deoxygenated blood to the heart; have valves to prevent backflow; low pressure 3)Capillaries: tiny, tiny vessels where gas exchange occurs; connect arteries to veins
H. Blood Composition - human body contains 4-6 liters Part(s)DescriptionDiagramDisease Plasma (liquid) transporting nutrients and hormones 90% water, 10% other Yellow color RBC (erythrocytes) Made in bone marrow disk-shaped & lack nuclei Carries O 2 using hemoglobin (allows RBC’s to carry O 2 ). Anemia (lack of iron) Sickle cell disease Platelets cell fragments, not cells Blood clotting “Dot-like” fragments scattered Hemophilia ( Hemophilia ( blood doesn’t clot) WBC (leukocytes) Functions in the immune system by attacking foreign substances Larger than RBC’s Larger than RBC’s Has a nucleus Leukemia ( WBC’s Leukemia ( too many abnormal WBC’s are produced)
Leukemia Smear Diseased white blood cell SICKLE CELL ANEMIA
Types of WBC’s 1.Phagocytes – Engulfs and destroy bacteria 2.Lymphocytes – Produce antibodies that clump antigens (bacteria) Copy these notes under chart
Section 37-2 Figure 37-7 Blood Whole Blood Sample Red blood cells White blood cells Platelets Plasma Sample Placed in CentrifugeBlood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged Centrifugation – separating the parts of blood into layers based on density
Section 37-2 Figure 37-7 Blood Whole Blood Sample Red blood cells White blood cells Platelets Plasma Sample Placed in CentrifugeBlood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged
Section 37-2 Figure 37-7 Blood Whole Blood Sample Red blood cells White blood cells Platelets Plasma Sample Placed in CentrifugeBlood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged
Clotting Process - uses platelets How Does blood clot 16&sp=2&qs=AS&sk=AS1&adlt=strict#view=detail&mid=BB4338AF0FA5F3276DCDBB4338AF0FA5F3276DCD 16&sp=2&qs=AS&sk=AS1&adlt=strict#view=detail&mid=BB4338AF0FA5F3276DCDBB4338AF0FA5F3276DCD 3. Protein fibers build the clot 2. Platelets clump sealing the hole 1. Break in capillary wall
Heart Disease (Basics #1) Video: Understanding Heart Disease (Basics #1) E548634E8A58B44B4B68E548634E8A5 E548634E8A58B44B4B68E548634E8A5 Heart disease death rates Adults ages 35 and older
Women & Heart Disease Heart disease is 3rd leading cause of death among women aged 25–44 years & 2nd leading cause of death among women aged 45–64 years. Risk factors Smoking Lack of exercise High fat diet Overweight Death rates for heart disease per 100,000 women, 2002
I. Cardiovascular Homeostatic Disorders 1.Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) – NARROWING OF THE ARTERIES 2. Angina pectoris pain in the chest which radiates into the left shoulder and arm occurs especially when physical exertion results in a lack of oxygen supply to the heart muscle caused by a reduction of blood supply due to partial blockage(s) of coronary arteries 3. Coronary thrombosis--heart attack caused by a blood clot in a coronary artery that stops circulation to part of the heart muscle attack is fatal if much heart muscle is involved. 4. Atherosclerosis – build up of plaque in the artery wall causing a blockage to the heart normal artery hardening of arteries